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VEMS Engine management systems, plug & play ECU upgrade

Actually the next step will be to get the boost solenoid working, I'm currently using an MBC at a modest 15psi.
For anyone that's geeky enough the link below (will this work) is to a dropbox where you can grab the log file, if you download the vems software from (use the latest nightly release) you can replay the log file and see what's happening in real time.
Note: It's a long file because I sat on the drive while the engine warmed up and tinkered a little...

Link to VEMS site for software:

Power run results
So, since the last post, I've been enjoying the car some more, and today went to Surrey Rolling Road in Farnborough to conduct a power run. Still running the MBC and stock intercooler. So VEMS has improved the fueling significantly and is very easily tuneable. I need to do more work on the fueling and ignition advance etc, but I'll leave that to a professional once I've got the electronic boost control and probably a new intercooler fitted.
The picture below is the power & torque graph. The link from the last post about the VEMS log filealso now has the full results including historic results from 2005 when I had a stock car with a 'boost enhancer' and promax chip & 2012 after I'd fitted the new LR turbo...
Edit: Link to dropbox files:

You probably have, what make dump valve is that, is it an atmo or recirculating ? I don't recall if you said you're running an oil catch can ?
blade7 said:
You probably have, what make dump valve is that, is it an atmo or recirculating ? I don't recall if you said you're running an oil catch can ?
I think you'll find that that's a re-circulating valve, Paul, as it's feeding back into the intake... I stand to be corrected if I'm reading the picture wrongly?

It's a Lindsey Racing recirculating valve (correct Pete!). Yes I've installed an oil catch can as well, though I have to say, so far no signs of oil in the can or lines even. The AOS seems to be doing a pretty good job.
Thanks for continuing to update..

So boost enhancer and chip gave you 260ish

Same setup with the LR turbo gave 275

LR turbo and VEMS was 326?

If thats right then 50hp from VEMS is imporessive!!
jameswalker1 said:
Thanks for continuing to update..

So boost enhancer and chip gave you 260ish

Same setup with the LR turbo gave 275

LR turbo and VEMS was 326?

If thats right then 50hp from VEMS is imporessive!!
Not quite 50BHP James, but a good improvement in power and driveability. When I installed the VEMS I also installed 60lb injectors and had the exhaust downpipe modified to 3". so it's not all down to VEMS. What you might notice is that I was also running less boost with the LR turbo and promax chip setup because the fueling was already a bit lean, so I didn't want to melt my pistons!
Boost Enhancers do give a very impressive improvement for the money. The LR turbo setup with promax chip was giving closer to 285HP not 275, so an increase of about 40HP, but more importantly to me it's at a very safe AFR and entirely tunable.
TTM said:
944 man said:
Possibly Tom. I have no doubt that Peep is an intelligent fellow, but I have seen too many reports of his being difficult to deal with and reluctant to answer questions from prospective purchasers to ignore. Spaghetti was a metaphor.

I would say that tuning an engine requires some essential technical knowledge and a certain scientific approach.
The prospective buyer cannot pretend to just behave like the most basic consumer and get the thing to work without using his brain like he just picked some pre cooked meal off a supermarket shelf to just throw it into the microwave oven to get it cooked.
You have to learn and read on the recipe before attempting to cook the best out of whichever high quality lump of fresh beef you just purchased, and don't get me started on spaghettis [;)]
I was inappropriately influenced by other peoples opinions. I realise now that Peep is spot-on, and also that the 'reports' all originated from the one time waster. If my post hadn't been quoted then I would delete it.
TTM said:
What is the before/after difference in boost?
Hi TTM, the graphs show the boost during each power run, but at 285hp I was running about 0.9bar and at 236hp it's running about 1.3bar (the current VEMS setup).
That's what I thought. It's not possible to gain that much power by just replacing the ECU.
Now that you have increased the size of the down pipe I can only suggest to fit a full 3" exhaust. That should net you a further 10-15hp.
I have a 3" exhaust all the way through. I've maintained the middle silencer as I didn't want it too noisy.
944 man said:
The vendor is a wally. I have seen too many reports of his being difficult to deal with and reluctant to answer questions from prospective purchasers to ignore.

Why don't you link to the "too many reports" or identify the "prospective purchasers" ? For the record I disagree with your opinion of the vendor.
Bringing this old thread back on track and giving a small update:
So, those that have followed this thread will know I was very wary about stand-alone ECU's from lots of feedback and in particular suggestions that cold start and cold running could be a big issue. Well I'm pleased to say that although she's in winter storage, on a solar trickle charger, I went to check her over this morning and start her up as I usually do every now and again over winter.
She started on the button, ran like a dream up to temperature and settled into a perfect steady idle. It was showing -6decG this morning, not truly COLD but pretty nippy! Very pleased.

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