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Silverstone Classic - meet first?

jon grindall

PCGB Member
Now we've all recovered from LM Classic, who is doing Silverstone on the Sunday (22nd), and is anyone travelling via M1? If so, how about meeting en route?
Hi Jon,
Judging by Facebook, it looks like you guys had a great time at the Classic. Glad to hear you got back fine too.

Unfortunately I am doing Silverstone on the Saturday but enjoy !


Hi Jon,
Judging by Facebook, it looks like you guys had a great time at the Classic. Glad to hear you got back fine too.

Unfortunately I am doing Silverstone on the Saturday but enjoy !

is there any difference in the saturday to the sunday in terms of displays?
Yup, going up the Sunday, we'll probably meet at the ACE need to confirm with the others
Hi Jon, not sure what the plan is yet (I'm waiting for others to let me know)
As soon as I do I'll let you know.

ORIGINAL: davidcross


Hi Jon,
Judging by Facebook, it looks like you guys had a great time at the Classic. Glad to hear you got back fine too.

Unfortunately I am doing Silverstone on the Saturday but enjoy !

is there any difference in the saturday to the sunday in terms of displays?

Not in terms of displays. I think the main differences are teh races on each day and the concert on Saturday night
There will be a display of 70+ F40s driving round the track on the Sunday (confirmed by my FOC friend) so it may be worth going on the Sunday for that.

Meeting at the Ace at 7:45 then on to Toddington services for 8:30 if anyone wants to join us
As I'm temporarily off the road, if anyone's got a vacant passenger seat I'd love to ride shotgun.

Happy to contribute to petrol costs.

Can be at The Ace early Sunday.


ORIGINAL: tallmat

As I'm temporarily off the road, if anyone's got a vacant passenger seat I'd love to ride shotgun.

Happy to contribute to petrol costs.

Can be at The Ace early Sunday.

There'll be several driver only cars there, I'm sure you'll be able to hitch a lift from one
Was at the Classic today, great day.

Buses take you round to the Paddocks where you can get up close to the cars. Saw the celebs getting ready to race.
The AA World wasn't as good as I thought it would be but there are some fun activities like F1 wheel changing and RC car racing that is a good laugh.

Only warning is don't wear your favourite trainers as there are some horrible muddy patches around !

Have a good day tomorrow guys
A great day out at Silverstone yesterday, fabulous cars, great company and sunshine to boot.

Matthew knows some great driving roads in and around Silverstone, so next time we can take an alternative routine in "" Nick, Ed could be an alternative weekend drive[:)]!

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