Porsche Club GB London Region aka R20 has scooped 'Region of the Year for 2012' at the club annual awards ceremony held at the AGM.
A region is made up of members, especially those that take part and even more, those that organise events for us all to enjoy. So, in the style of an Oscar ceremony we would like to thank Beaky for 24 Heures du Mans 2012, Greek Night and his general enthusiasm, Jon Grindall for Le Mans Classic, JC and Karl for the OPC Reading visit, JC (in advance) for 24 Heures du Mans 2013, and Des Sturdee for the infamous Christmas Curry at Tayyabs.
Another round of thanks to JC, Ron, Jon Grindall and Ed for taking pictures wherever we went and getting the write up's in Porsche Post. Nick (Ed wrote this bit) for his social media skills - he 'likes' our facebook page!
But MOST importantly, YOU our members for turning up - it's all of you that makes the London Region so great.
ps. If you haven't had the chance to experience an event in the 'Region of the Year', check out our calendar and join us.