Just a quick heads up.
The region is booked to attend, with a club stand, the Castle Combe Autumn Classic on Saturday the 24th of September. The event, with link and booking code will be posted on the Region events calendar In due course.
If you wish to book prior to that, please email and I can forward the link and code.
As a reminder the region has to book and pay for the club stand spaces in order to secure the allocation, currently the allocation is 15 slots but I can ask for more if these sell out before the entire event allocation are sold.
Best regards
The region is booked to attend, with a club stand, the Castle Combe Autumn Classic on Saturday the 24th of September. The event, with link and booking code will be posted on the Region events calendar In due course.
If you wish to book prior to that, please email and I can forward the link and code.
As a reminder the region has to book and pay for the club stand spaces in order to secure the allocation, currently the allocation is 15 slots but I can ask for more if these sell out before the entire event allocation are sold.
Best regards