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A massive thankyou.


New member
I just wanted to say a massive thankyou to all the members at the R15 Sunday Meet at the Ley Arms today, as ive said previously its always a daunting task walking into a room full of people you havent met before and making conversation but we were made to feel most welcome and Emma and I cant wait to join you all again throughout the year.[:)]

Special thanks to Andy for the introduction to the group and Alan for helping me park the 928 and being the first to say hi and unknowingly helping to settle my nerves. [:D][:D][:D]

Jase & Emma [;)]

I am glad you went along - Lisa and I were in the same boat a few years back - trepidation because of expecting most of the members to be driving lost of fancy cars (to be fair they are cos they are all Porsches [;)]) and for them all to be rather aloof! But it sounds like you had a similar experience to us. I'll try and put some words together to explain the 'ethos' over the coming weeks so that any noobs looking here are reassured that we are not ...[enter any number of stereotypes here].

I would have replied to your earlier post but I have been working this weekend and did not see your post until 11:55, by which time I suspect you were already en route to the Ley Arms...

Now back to the concours, seriously I think you ought to enter your car, it is not as serious as it sounds (I took a second place in my first attempt, which was nice).

Any hoo doubtless speak/meet soon. Regards, Alex
Nice meeting you both too! Glad to be of service as a parking attendant!! See you at the upcoming events soon[:)]

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