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993 RS For Sale

Mr Howells ...what do yah think to the GT2'R' gmund have for sale at £150k ??????

( sorry off subject )
Its all insane , cannot continue like this remember 1989 ? i was there but too poor to get mullered , i do know people who were though!!!How can even a fabulous 993 rs cs outstrip the price of a 993 GT2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LIKE FOR LIKE AT THAT MONEY FEW WILL TRACK THEM so running costs not an issue ;less GT2 s than rs cs .........................wat else ???I ve worked in City marketsand rcognise supply and demand but this is nt real its dreamland!
Agree it's all getting a bit silly Vic, thing is, it is not unreasonable to see the rhd CS going crazy, they are rare commodities now and considering values of 70's RS & RSR are not that far out of line. Thankfully lhd versions are still available for this of us on a far more modest budget [;)]

Certain similarities to late '80s early nineties where other asset classes followed housing on the way up,,,seems to me that as long as housing is fairly stable prices should be ok for limit order to sell is already in [:D]
ORIGINAL: johnny senna

ORIGINAL: Maxamillion01

Malton have a 993RSR RHD in black under preparation. My dream car. No pic yet, what's the story?

Sounds nice. I wish they would call it a 993 RS CS. As we all know, a 993 RSR is a completely different thing.

Bet it will be a mighty price. It is a Malton car after all. [:D][;)]

You're absolutely right johnny, I just wanted to make everyone new which car I was talking about as that's what Malton have called it.

PS - Love your RS, living the dream.
ORIGINAL: Maxamillion01

ORIGINAL: johnny senna

ORIGINAL: Maxamillion01

Malton have a 993RSR RHD in black under preparation. My dream car. No pic yet, what's the story?

Sounds nice. I wish they would call it a 993 RS CS. As we all know, a 993 RSR is a completely different thing.

Bet it will be a mighty price. It is a Malton car after all. [:D][;)]

You're absolutely right johnny, I just wanted to make everyone new which car I was talking about as that's what Malton have called it.

PS - Love your RS, living the dream.

Sorry everyone, I meant knew.
Its not a uk car i dont think,i will confirm when 100% on it.
Re the gt2r,best give me a call.
Agree prices are crazy,but its dealer led for sure,and who can blame them,keep paying the money they will find them!!It makes a nice lhd gt2 seem cheap vic.Think about my thoughts with the cgt,a lot of car for the money.
If you found a 73rsr with the same sort of condition,history etc sell price would be over 400k
The yellow gt2r del miles sold for 250$ ,was on the market for some time,until values came up to meet it.
Also found out about another very rare car hopefully to appear in a mag at some point a rhd 964rsr racer,eat your heart out des.

ORIGINAL: paul howells

Also found out about another very rare car hopefully to appear in a mag at some point a rhd 964rsr racer,eat your heart out des.

Oooohh more more...tell us more[:D]
ORIGINAL: Maxamillion01

ORIGINAL: johnny senna

ORIGINAL: Maxamillion01

Malton have a 993RSR RHD in black under preparation. My dream car. No pic yet, what's the story?

Sounds nice. I wish they would call it a 993 RS CS. As we all know, a 993 RSR is a completely different thing.

Bet it will be a mighty price. It is a Malton car after all. [:D][;)]

You're absolutely right johnny, I just wanted to make everyone new which car I was talking about as that's what Malton have called it.

PS - Love your RS, living the dream.

Thanks mate! [:)]
Also found out about another very rare car hopefully to appear in a mag at some point a rhd 964rsr racer,eat your heart out des.

Paul...does that car live in Oz ?? Met someone in Oz last year, same person that was involved with the red rhd 3.0rs that Export ?? picked up, who mentioned about a rhd rsr that lived in Oz......
ORIGINAL: johnny senna

ORIGINAL: Maxamillion01

Malton have a 993RSR RHD in black under preparation. My dream car. No pic yet, what's the story?

Sounds nice. I wish they would call it a 993 RS CS. As we all know, a 993 RSR is a completely different thing. DONE !!!!

Bet it will be a mighty price. It is a Malton car after all. [:D][;)]
ORIGINAL: johnnywishbone

ORIGINAL: johnny senna

ORIGINAL: Maxamillion01

Malton have a 993RSR RHD in black under preparation. My dream car. No pic yet, what's the story?

Sounds nice. I wish they would call it a 993 RS CS. As we all know, a 993 RSR is a completely different thing. DONE !!!!

Bet it will be a mighty price. It is a Malton car after all. [:D][;)]

What a rare find and lovely car if as good as it looks in pics, with those miles and one owner, money seems about right too.

Scott R
Nice find, that really does look like a nice example.......they seem to have leapt out of my price range. [:eek:]
The original advert in Japan suggested that some sort of seal was disturbed so it was advertised as "repaired" to avoid misrepresentation. Perhaps when the car was looked at thre was no evidence of repair and hence the price.


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