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10th Manx Tour 2009

People have been asking about dress code for the Gala Dinner.

Jacket & Tie.

Geoff Ives. Manx Tour Organiser
Nice surprise, ferry ticket and hotel voucher arrived today.
Very exciting !!

Yup, mine's arrived too. 2 questions
  1. Is anyone staying in Liverpool on the Thursday night? There appear to be a couple of convenient Travelodge/Premier Inn hotels close by, and
  2. Geoff, are there any plans for a schedule/itinerary/welcome pack thingie to be sent out, or will this be picked up on arrival?

See you all there
We're planning on staying in Liverpool on the Thursday night, Crowne Plaza (just round from ferry port and with car park) seems to have good rates for one night - £90.00 per room inc breakfast.

DJ seems like a good idea Geoff for the dinner - will bring along

ORIGINAL: happylarry

Nice surprise, ferry ticket and hotel voucher arrived today.
Very exciting !!
  1. Geoff, are there any plans for a schedule/itinerary/welcome pack thingie to be sent out, or will this be picked up on arrival?

See you all there

Rally plates, sticker, Road books and any goodieswill be given out at the hotel on arrival.

My representative on the trip from Liverpool is Derek Sharp. He is driving a Blue 997 Gen 2 Cabriolet and he is very experienced. This will be his 11th Manx Tour.

Geoff Ives. Manx Tour Organiser.
As the more aware of you will realise, Sunday 24th is the date of the Monaco Grand Prix.
I have contacted the Mount Murray and arranged to have the ammbasidor suit with it's huge stage size television at our disposal.
I have also arranged for the restraunt to provide a bar snack menu. I will post this on this forum when I get it.

Geoff Ives
Manx Tour Organiser.

As 3 years ago, we will be running a sweepstake on the race. Half the takings to the winner and half to a local cancer charity.
May I, on behalf of our sponsors Porscheshop and over 80 entrants, thank tthe members of Region 30 (Isle of Man) for their marshalling of this event. Without their assistance this event could not happen.

The sweepstake on the Grand Prix was won by the Region 30 cheif marshal Julian Chappel who generously put it back in the 'pot' for rhe local cancer charity.

Geoff Ives
Manx Tour Organiser.
Thanks to Geoff and everyone else invovled in organising and helping out for the Manx weekend - another great event.
A big thanks to Geoff and his team who were invovled in organising and facilitating the Manx weekend in the Isle of Man - a great weekend for the first timers who really enjoyed the events that were put on by the club and exploring the island.

Thanks again
From all at Team London


!st place Michael & Betty Woodcock with a time error of 5 seconds

2nd place Graham Simons with a time error of 8 seconds

3rd Place Tom Lightfoot with a time error of 9 seconds

There is a prize for the winner and a weekend ticket to the Porsche Club Festival at Blenheim is on it's way to Michael and Betty

Geoff Ives
Manx Tour Organiser
Just letting you know that the email address Geoff mentioned for Paul Bradshaw to send photos should be:

(there is a hyphen between steam and packet)

I'm sure this question will have been asked before, but what is the best way of viewing peoples photo's of the event? Is there somewhere where we can put them all in the same place? Or do we all have to individually post into our own photobucket area? Thanks.
The first annoucement wuill be in the next Porsche Post.But, don't tell anybody. Here it is

Porsche Club Great Britain presents
11th Manx Tour 14th to 17th May 2010

It started our as a challenge from the Manx Government in 1999 for PCGB to put an event on in the Isle of Man. We said that we could put 2 on in 2000 and 2001. Well it's now 2009 and we are still doing it. OK not as big as the 243 car turnout at the first event it is now a friendly group of like minded members made up of those who come every year, those who miss a few and return and new comers.

The Event
4 days in the Island including 3 nights at a top hotel. Most of your food is included in the basic price as is ferry crossing and accommodation.

A chance to explore one of the most stunning and surprising locations in Great Britain. The opportunity to drive your Porsche on superb mountain roads without being confined by speed limits.

An itinerary of events to keep you busy if do want to.

Cost including Ferry, Hotel accommodation, Reception and Gala Dinner. £299 per person assuming 2 sharing.

To book , go to and click on the Manx Tour logo to download a booking form. Alternatively you can contact me by email at .

To chat about the event ring me on 01865 880626.

Geoff Ives.
Manx Tour Organiser


Having written the piece above I have just managed to negotiate an extended stop over. This was for our friends from Region 27 (Ireland) but it can apply to members from the mainland as well.

The event include all of the above but is for 8 days (7 nights) from Thursday 13th May until Thursday 20 May and costs £459 Per person assuming 2 sharing.

Geoff Ives

Booking forms are available now. Please note that there are only 50 rooms available at the Mount Murray and late bookings will be allocated another quality hotel.

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