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£250k Red RSL


New member

Just over 63k miles on the clock............... [8D]
Hold on tight - this ride's not finished yet!

Step right up - buy one - they're lovely. And such pretty colours too! :ROFLMAO:

Knock down the wall between your living room and your garage and just look at it! I mean just look at them RS's!



But why did it lose 6k in kilometers between its service in 06 and then the 08 service????

Typo perhaps??
Does not even look like a great car, high mileage, tired seats and the wheels need some work.

There is one on NZ for sale at £150k, RHD at the moment, also red.

These guys are flying a kite. Wonder if it will sell, we should have a sweep stake.

Love the door speakers, very discrete......I am tempted to get the jigsaw out and have a go at my own uncut factory door cards!

I would happily sell my own car for less.......

Maybe I should put it up for offers over £500k just to guage the true level of "mental" out there at the moment!? [:D]
60k miles in 19 years isn't high mileage! Just over 3k miles a year?

What mileage do a lot of the 2.7RSs have?
Rich, it isn't high miles, but you tend to find the premium priced cars are relatively low mileage compared to their peers.

This 2.7 RS is well into £ 7 figures and supposedly has 55k miles (perfection?)........ You can't help thinking, the lower miles, provenance and condition makes the difference? [:D]

The Monaco auction black 964RS which sold for >£200k had 10k km on the clock, again price likely influenced by the mileage compared to other 64RS for sale?

I could go on, but I can tell you are starting to get the theme about low miles and high prices for rare collectible cars now! [:D]
But with everyone, including enthusiast owners, focusing on miles (or lack of) we're creating a climate of fear of driving the cars to avoid becoming the 'high mileage' one. Enthusiasts referring to 60k miles in 19yrs as 'high mileage' isn't going to help any of us enjoy our cars today. [&:]

Use you car as you wish, it's not all about money is it?........ I am sure yours is worth more than you paid for it in '06.

There appears to be a tiered market.

I am not sure the current collectors paying up considerably for low mileage cars are doing that on the basis that it will be longer until they need to refresh various components, so they can use them more now! [:D]

I would suggest some of the new money to the Classic car and particularly air cooled market, have been buying on the basis that it will be worth more in the near future, obviously this has been fuelled by shrewd marketing from various dealers.

How many enthusiastic new RS owners have become involved with the RS scene in the last year or two?

That was the crux of the comments about the car at the start of the thread, it is a premium price compared to recent sales.

To justify such a price, you might assume it was both exceptional in condition and mileage compare to other cars.

If it sells, we will then have a benchmark for the "next" RS that comes to market.

As far as the tiering goes, there will always be the best cars and those nearly cars.
I told a few close to me over the last few weeks, that 993RS are due a big hike having spoken to a couple dealers in the trade ... they are selling between dealers, now one has emerged, the 64RS always follows a bit behind, Tomasz now asking £200,000 plus

hmmm the Germans and Euros are buying .... [:(]
So true, I once played with mine far too much, also had serious issues (opto). Nasty business!
ORIGINAL: carreraboy

Richard if you look at your Clock too much you will go blind[;)]
H, it sounds like you could be at least £50k under valued for insurance purposes.

No disrespect meant if you think it is worth £350k based on the other red car for sale. [:D]

Interesting how the Europeans are so keen to buy now that £/€ is near 1.25.
Clock envy is never good.

Don't be tempted to play with your clock. Or let someone else play with it either.

Never, never replace your clock with someone elses clock.

BTW everyone knows that if you have a 964 that you have a big clock.


ORIGINAL: clubsport

H, it sounds like you could be at least £50k under valued for insurance purposes.

No disrespect meant if you think it is worth £350k based on the other red car for sale. [:D]

Interesting how the Europeans are so keen to buy now that £/€ is near 1.25.

Wouldn't it be nice if RS kept climbing and F40 remained static [:D]
Well, if that LHD one in Guards Red with 62K miles is worth anything approaching GBP 250K (which objectively it isn't IMHO, as although 993 RSs are great cars they ain't THAT great), this Guards Red 993 RS in rarer RHD spec with half the miles must be worth rather more:

The world has gone mad - official!

£90k less, £20k miles less [8D]


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