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14 Mar 2015

Marque 21 Surgery Clinics

Tref reports on one of Marque 21's surgery clinic days.

Saturday Surgery at Marque 21

I went to Marque 21’s recent Surgery, as I hadn’t been to one before and was keen to see what it consisted of. I asked Tim O’Dowd, proprietor (and Dorset Member of the Year 2014), what it was all about:

 “I found that Saturday mornings a lot of our customers came in and wanted us to look at little things or chat, which meant I wasn’t getting any work done! So we decided to open specifically for just this sort of thing and it’s proved very popular. We have running hot and cold food and encourage everyone to network and chat.  I like customers to be friends as well and their feedback about our service is of huge importance”.

We talked about the kind of things people were coming in for – it ranged from a general health-check, through to looking at something of concern and getting an idea of price; nearly always putting the car on the ramp and looking underneath, plugging in the diagnostic laptop – and at the other end are people who just want to chat about insurance and values. Whilst I was there I saw a very nice 924S on the ramp, a Boxster’s fault codes being analysed, and something being checked in the front of a 993! An ‘86 Black 911 Targa was next in for a check. We hope to see you all at our club meets and events soon! Refreshments were up to Marque 21’s usual high standards – thank you - the bacon butty was lovely! They hold these events regularly, but you do have to book a forty five minute slot. I’m not sure when the next one is, so if you are in Dorset, best come along to our club-nights and find out, give Marque 21 a call or keep an eye on their web site.



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