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930 Turbo SE

Vehicle statistics

20 registered vehicles

Welcome to the 930 Turbo SE (Slant Nose) Register

The 930 Turbo SE Register covers The 930 Turbo SE Register covers the model many would argue is the ultimate 930 Turbo with its aerodynamic upgraded body and a 330 bhp engine. A product of the factory’s ‘Sonderwunschprogramm’, the Flachbau, aka 'Slant Nose', was a special hand-built car manufactured to special order between 1981 and 1989.

The car’s aerodynamic shape, with its distinguishing flip-up headlights, functional louvres, wider rear flares with scooped vents, was influenced by the 935 race car. It is the fastest of all 930 models, capable of reaching 171 mph in standard form along with with exceptional acceleration. The 930 Slantnose is a rare model with a total of just over 900 models being sold worldwide.

As a register, we participate in many national and local events organised by the Club across the whole of the UK. As well as being socially active, the Register provides valuable technical support and helpful advice for owners.


Should you wish to be considered for this role, please email with brief details of why you think you would be suitable, and a little of your Porsche ownership history.

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