These are our galleries where you can see images of our cars and from our events..
Another beautiful day for our annual concours held at Kingston Maurwood
70 cars head to Marque 21 for bacon rolls!
Some views of our best ever display at this annual event.
Our Christmas party at the George Albert Hotel
Our visit to the Portland lighthouse and coastal watch facility follow by lunch at the Pulpit Inn.
Another great day at this annual car fest
Our third time of hosting this popular event
Our annual concours at Kingston Mauward
Over 1600 Porsches at this years event, here are just a few.
Our regions tour of the facilities at Candford Classics
Region's trip to Dinslaken 2018 event and the Dusseldorf Classic Remise
Karl's Diamond Lap of the Nürburgring
Our visit to the D-Day Centre, Portland followed by lunch at the Jail House Café.
Our second year of running this event and it has doubled in size from last year. Porsches from Pier Bandstand to Pavilion!
Our annual concours held at Kingston Maurwood.
Our visit to Crosthwaite and Gardiner Ltd. Followed by Dorset region's customary lunch. No photographs were permitted in the workshops because of confidentiality agreements with customers.
Our second chance to see what lies behind the public façade at the National Motor Museum.
Our day out on the Dunster Express to visit Dunster Castle.
Our trip to see this extremely worthwhile charity to enable the disabled to enjoy karting.
Scenic drive through north east Dorset collecting answers to 9 questions followed by well earned lunch.
Our Christmas party at The Hunter's Moon
Our guided tour of Stone Firms followed by lunch at Jailhouse Cafe
Canford Classics Open morning
BBQ with TIPEC in a private setting near Wimborne.
We return to Sherborne in 2016 and adding this year the Club's van manned by Chris.
Weymouth Porsches on the Prom 2016. A brand new event for our region and what a success!
Region Concours held at Kingston Maurwood 3rd July 2016
Our day out on the West Somerset Heritage Railway with the usual for region 26 Lunch!
Our visit to this prestigious Porsche Approved repairer.
Our now annual pilgrimage to Marque 21 premises in Bridport.
Our 2 days at this great show. We see the last season of the wonderful Vulcan.
New Forest BBQ invite from our friends in the local TIPEC region.
Canford Classics Open Day 2015
31 Porsches including a tractor on display at Olympic marina. Then 53 members for lunch at the Harbour Lights restaurant.
With a couple of friends from other regions joining us this year we displayed 44 Porsches at this classic car event.
130+ Porsches on Poole Quay
Our first time at new venue of Kingston Maurward. Great facilities and beautiful grounds to explore after all that polishing!
This is the third year this event has been held at the National Motor Museum Beaulieu. Lots more official photos on the museum's flicker pages, just follow the links.
Our second year at this heritage railway supported by 50 members. With superb weather and a delicious Sunday lunch, a great day was had by all.
Weekend of the Year at Hotel De France. Activities included Karting challenge against PC Normandy, Le Mans Museum, Wine tasting, Tour and lunch at Chateau De Lude and sightseeing the Loire Valley.
Classics at the Castle Dorset style. We had 40 cars on display!
Our cars displayed at Sunseeker's open day.
Over 100 Porsches show up to display along the quayside at Poole.
We provide the club's presence at the festival again.
A chance to see what Canford Classics can offer.
Porsche Centre Bournemouth talk on the virtues of winter tyres.
A chance for members to discover what this independent Porsche specialist has to offer.
Display of our cars at the site of the 2012 Olympic sailing events. Followed by a lunch in the Harbour Lights restaurant.
A trip out to the far south of Portland for Sunday lunch.
Day out on the Swanage Railway
Our days out to watch the Bournemouth air show from a motor cruiser.