After a very misty start to the day by the time most had gathered at Lancaster Services for the Lakes Run on Sunday 18th September, the sun had broken through and we were looking forward to an excellent day out with great weather to enjoy the views. A group of 36 Members and partners from R5 and a number from surrounding regions including Lancashire and North Wales, including some Members who were on their first event with the Club and R5. We all gathered for coffee and plenty of banter enjoying the sunshine and a wander around an excellent car park full of classic and modern Porsches of all varieties. We nearly managed to rope in another couple who had inadvertently stopped at the services in their new Cayman en route to Scotland; they promised to join PCGB on return and join us for the next run.
Just after 10.30am we set off on the first leg of the route, which had been excellently designed by Michael Williams, to include some great Porsche driving roads, some great scenery and all at a pleasant pace. Inevitably a few got a little split up due to traffic and some missing a turning but mostly the group followed the designed route. We created quite a stir in a few places, especially Bowness where a group of Japanese tourists took what seemed to be hundreds of photos of us as we passed through town. In leaving town we had the fortune of reuniting with one of our party who had missed a turning as we arrived at the same roundabout at the same time, albeit from completely different directions!! We re-grouped briefly at the top of Kirkstone Pass, many taking the opportunity to enjoy the view, what you could see of it through the mist at that point, as well as the facilities at the Inn!
The remainder of the route was followed by all, at varying paces, everyone enjoying the views and the roads which provided everything a Porsche driver could hope for, apart from a few camper vans and cyclists.
On arrival at the Lodore Falls Hotel the staff were there to greet us and managed our parking excellently, with the first few able to park In front of this stunning hotel and the rest allocated specific space in their main car park. There was time for a well earned drink at the bar before lunch was served. Again this was excellently managed by the hotel staff and everyone sat down to a great lunch and a chance to catch up with new and old friends. The drive was enjoyed by all and we intend to run this again next year so keep your eyes open for booking details.