After last month’s non-start, the Favourite Car Competition was rescheduled for the July meeting. Once again all the necessary paperwork and technology was in place, and I made doubly sure my car key was in safe hands this time!
Another fine summer evening ensured a good turnout of 27 cars, with 17 taking part in the competition. After a light meal and refreshments, there followed an evening of tyre kicking and chatting, while making the choices of the Porsches you would most like to take home.
Voting slips were collected and the data entered into the Crosby spreadsheet; a few seconds later the results were calculated and announced. John Slinn’s 993RSR was a clear winner with 33 out of 168 votes, my 993 Turbo and 991 50th Anniversary attracted 27 and 24 votes respectively, and Peter Aston’s 930 Turbo came fourth with 23 votes. Allan Crosby’s 991 Turbo S was fifth with 17 votes and Steve Booth’s Cayman sixth with 7 votes. Awards were presented to non-committee members, with John, Peter and Steve taking prizes that had been kindly donated by Porsche Centre Wilmslow.
Just another fun night with a nice group of enthusiasts.