Clear Away the Cobwebs 2017 Gallery
Our first run out of 2017.
Clear Away the Cobwebs 2017 – 2nd April 2017
Our first full scheduled run of the year, Clear Away the Cobwebs, had over 40 fine examples of the marque meet at Cross Lanes Organic Farm & Café on the A66 near Barnard Castle. After breakfast cars were set away in small groups with a short timed gap between to ensure we didn't snarl up the country roads. The route took participants past the Tan Hill Inn, the highest pub in Britain and on some engaging yet beautiful scenic driving roads, taking in the likes of Buttertubs Pass quoted by Jeremy Clarkson as “England’s only truly spectacular road” before continuing into Wensleydale. Here the route followed the River Ure, past Aysgarth Falls, a beauty spot featured in the Kevin Costner film Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Members then arrived in Hawes, with allocated Club parking at our pre-arranged lunch stop Wensleydale Cheese factory. Most enjoyed a visit to their small museum and an entertaining presentation by one of their Master Cheese makers before finally heading back again via even more stunningly scenic sweeping roads across Teesdale, Weardale & into the Durham Dales.
Thanks to Neil Kirkbride for parking up along the way to take some of these photos.
See the full set of photos on our Facebook album.