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What do you think of this 356 Sprint Car..

For private importers there is a flat fee of £50 payable in lieu of import duty &, just to clarify, the VAT is charged on the combined figure of purchase price + shipping costs.
ORIGINAL: carreraboy

VAT @ 17.5% I presume, what about the 5% that has been suggested how can I get away with that?

You would have to show the car is either of 'historic signifficance' or very rare - it's worth talking to both Cars UK and Kingstown as they will know what you can get away with.

BUT if there is by any sim chance a possibility the car was first registered in Europe - then shipped to the US (it did happen) then you, in theory, should be able to bring it in without duty.

ORIGINAL: Lightweight_911

For private importers there is a flat fee of £50 payable in lieu of import duty &, just to clarify, the VAT is charged on the combined figure of purchase price + shipping costs.

Thanks Andy - I forgot that bit [:)]

Des I'm sure you must be able to get quite a bit off the price if they are still up for sale as they've been up for over a year.

Would it be possible to road register these or are you looking at purely track.....

Would it be possible to road register these or are you looking at purely track.....

In theory, provided it had a horn, handbrake, rear fog lights and all the other bits it would need to get an MOT certificate, as the car is a production type from the period, should be perfectly legal to register it for the road [;)]

Road and Track as a Porsche should be...............

Well, I'd blank off the fresh air ducts for the heater for a start. Otherwise the hot air from the silencer will be drawn in reducing the efficiency of the cooling which could be marginal anyway looking at the diameter of the crankshaft pulley. I would still have loved it in the back of my 1835 cc twin weber'ed Beetle though.
If you want a proper car speak to Andy Prill,Mike Smith,Fred Hampton
they know most of the American 356 Registry people

Talk to Mike Smith only because he has a customers race car from the US and will be more informed of what's what in the world.

Also let me know if you want a car looked over as I know a huge number of members of the 356 reg and the 912 reg to give you a quick look over for beer money..

This means then that if the car is as the photo's and you get the it does look like the photo's you can then get a propper PPI on a car that looks good. Rather than spend out lots of money on a PPI for 4-5 cars you look at..

good luck...
agree but it can come out .. hey with all that power I think ( like with what happened with Richard Hammon ) I would like the full works...

bearing in mind I am taller that Richard's 5ft 1 frame..[;)]

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