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TT Course and the "Stig"


New member
I've been reliably informed that following the end of the first race on Saturday 4th June, Top Gear's resident racing driver, the Stig, will be attempting to beat Tony Pond's (1987?) Rover 800 Vitesse-mounted record lap of the TT Course in an as yet unidentified car and the attempt will be featured in a future edition of the programme.

This (as some of you may know) was something I attempted to organise some years ago - then in a McLaren F1 with either Tony Pond or Alain Prost - unfortunately it never happened because Ron didn't want to risk a second (of only five proto-types) ...... - it's a long story!

Watch out for this - should be good.
Fascinating. I hope they do it.

Tony Pond was going to attempt it a few years ago to launch the, then new, Audi TT. His view was that 225bhp would be sufficient but the big factor was the performance of the brakes. If you remember the Rover's brakes caught fire last time. But Audi got cold feet.

However, I think it takes local knowledge to do it. I also think the Stig is more than one driver. You never know who is under the helmet.

So, my guess is they will choose someone with the required skill, experience and local knowledge.

Neil Hodgson, Mark Higgins, Nigel Mansell, Tony Corlett?????
For those interested, Duke Marketing have a DVD available with both Tony Pond runs on it (different years). Also available on VHS, but without (I think) the first run.
My VHS doesn't feature any brakes on fire and whilst Rover claimed the Vitesse was standard apart from slicks,having owned two of the V6 versions and lately a tweaked 4pot turbo and driven round the TTcourse it was quite a feat so I will be very interested.Tony does have intimate knowledge of course.
Two questions:

1/ What car?
2/ What time?

Answers: (open to debate!)

1/ My choice - Caterham R500
2/ Time - quicker than a superbike .......
I agree with you about the Caterham being the weapon of choice, but I'd opt for the new CSR.

Mind you, Honda have a strong relationship with the TT, maybe they will have some say in it.
Didn't I see an article on 5th gear about Ariel wedging a civic type R engine in the atom.

I did, go here to view pics

220 bhp, lest than 1100 lbs 0-60 3.5sec. I make that over 448 bhp per ton.
Any further news?

Is it still scheduled for this Saturday? (Weather permitting, I presume)
Reliably informed this has been called off regrettably.

My insider from the medical support team states that the marshalls werent happy about dealing with a car accident and questioned the ultimate knowledge of the TT course of the Stig. Tony Pond drove it most days remember. Lets face it, how many of us TRUELY know the circuit, especially at the speeds he would be doing. I've lived here 30 years and wouldn't confess to knowing how a car would behave off the normal line.

Rumour also it was going to be a BMW and Honda werent happy as they have asked and been turned down before.
I was fortunate to witness Tony's attempt at the TT,always felt he would achieved the 100mph lap had he not been carrying 3 passengers.I would think Nigel Mansell would be the man for the job in an RS4.

Anyone know the Stigs identity??


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