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Tour Britannia


New member
Fantastic - thanks to all the Nederlandse group for coming to the Isle of Man.

"Dit was lekker" .....

Thanks as always, to Geoff Ives and Ian Heward of Porscheshop - also this time to Derek Sharp and Chris Clark of PCGB and my old mate David Cretney MHK (Minister of Fun).

Just the one GT3 RS that didn't make it home under its own steam - no fault of the Isle of Man thought, a major factory issue - straight back to Stuttgart for some head scratching! I don't want one if that's what can go wrong.

Final word to the board of PCGB - pity you don't have the faith.
My C4S has just been dropped back to me by Manx Recovery after having to go back to Kendal OPC for a misfitted fly wheel (Sept 06 car with 500 miles on it at the time) which was spewing oil everywhere. That is a story for a different forum maybe but the Manx Recovery guy was hauling a GT3 RS back to the ferry straightafter to go back to the Netherlands.

It is worth noting for any Manx residents or Porsche visitors that Porsche only picked up the transportation and ferry costs for my car after many irrate phone calls and moral support from the dealer in Kendall and the RAC(!) even though it was a clear warranty claim (the Sports Exhaust also had to be refitted at the same time as it was rubbing badly).
Is it black with black wheels? Parked from time to time on the harbour in Castletown - opposite my office?
ORIGINAL: Julian Trinder

I wondered what all the Dutch machines were doing over...

Hi all.
It was a shame that we couldn't involve Region 30 but I was instructed not to use PCGB infrastructure for the Manx part of the event. Instead I used personal friends who had 'Manx Experience'. I do hope that this does not have to happen in May 2007 when we intend to come again. I have already had representation form both Dutch clubs requesting involvement in May

Geoff Ives. Porscheshop Tour Britannia Organiser.
Hi all

Dont get that many chances to log on in the darkest Philippines but enjoying myself none the less although the roads round here wouldnt exactly be suitable for the RS. Hopefully its still in one piece in Ballasalla (fingers crossed!) I'm aiming to be back for Mad Sunday '07 so lets think of a run out prehaps?

32 degrees and sunny, hope its the same back home [:)]


Good to ehar from you. Glad you're having a good time.

We'll get something sorted for your next visit.

Take care
Had a run in JT's C4S today, it's to die for!!! The black rims are too sweet!However, I'm still waiting for the price of the Carrera GT to drop into my price range!

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