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Starter motor rebuild or exchange?


Hi, would anybody know where I could get an S2 starter motor rebuilt or anywhere that sells refurbished units? Mine has been working perfectly, but it got flooded briefly in October and has been very intermittent since. I've cleaned off all the connecting wires, which made no difference. Thanks, Andrew.
Hi. You will be best with a 1.7 Kw unit for an S2 (there is a 1.4 Kw one also). This seems a good price for a re manufactured unit @ £140 and free delivery. Doesn't seem to want your old one in exchange either. 12 month warranty. I'm sure I paid about £110 last year for a 1.7 Kw but had to return my old one to Germany and it ended up a disaster as Evri lost my parcel and I had to stump up another 40 Euros to an angry German............I'd have bought this for £140 with no exchange from a UK supplier had it been available then.|tkp:Bk9SR-7Li-L0Yw

Hi Stuart, thank you i've ordered the £140 one, it looks good to me. £60 does seem a little too cheep, as the car does only a few 1000 miles a year, I don't want the starter rusting up sitting. :p

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