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Shameless photo thread


New member
Good to see this forum gaining a bit of momentum - especially since seems to be going downhill [8|]

Still, one thing I don't recall seeing yet is the obligatory photo thread where everyone posts a couple of pics of their pride & joy. Not original of course, but it gets everyone out of the woodwork and it's always nice to see other folks' cars [:)]

Here's my starter for ten:




Bring 'em on!
Alex -- good idea, must get snapping.

In my opinion you scored 10/10 first time out, the use of red trimming etc really is effective.

Question, how do you add the photos to the body copy like you have just done above? (yes, i do need such things spelt out --its my age you know!!)

and what limits are there on the image/file size etc?



ps had a quick look around last night, glad to say that most of what I needed it for was untainted by recent events, but I did stumble on a long slanging match about whether certain parts on a 968 had been there from new or not. Seemed hardly worth the effort -- we are far more mature over here!!!
Question, how do you add the photos to the body copy like you have just done above?

when typing a messge (new or reply) click the the link at the bottom of the dialogue: "Click here to upload" - in the dialogue box that follows you should navigate to the picture you want to upload, then click OK; if you want the picture to display in the post remember to check the box "Embed picture in post"
The size limit for uploads is much larger than likely to be a problem with pictures (especially when saved at 72 dpi in JPG - the preferred type for web viewing); however, please remember that not everyone enjoys a braodband connection so please keep attachment sizes modest.

Thanks for kicking this off, but I had forgotten about the similarity in numbers between our cars, and nearly fell off my chair this morning when I saw your pics ... thought my car had been stolen! [:eek:]

Anyway, here's one from my archives showing my car in its proper habitat, Sutherland in the very NW tip of Scotland. Not another road user for miles around.

John H

Well, here's my contribution - a small montage of "Mellow Yellow". (Hartech christened it when it was in for a service!).


Rob, that last picture is amazing - if you have a hi-res version of it would you mind emailing it to me?

I guess you're a Hartech fan too... I bought mine there, but it's a bit too far to go back there for servicing. Maybe next time it needs the belts done [:)]
Another guards red one for the books...just come back from Le Mans last year so not polished and gleaming like all of yours....


Don't know why the photo has come out so big - sorry

That is the business, great photo -- front inside tyre almost off the ground!

Cheered my day up.



I agree with Paul, it's a spectacular photo - and and very sharp.

By the way, what's with the intakes in your 968's bonnet?

Guards Red Rules!

Why do my fog/driving lights look murkey compared to everyone elses'?


I reckon they're supposed to be murky rather than clear. If you compare my foglights to my clear indicators in the very first pic you'll see what I mean.

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