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Removing rear seats in my 993RS


New member
My LHD993RS car left factory with Recarro Bucket front seats and no rear seats. A previous owner had rear seats, inertia seat belts and OE correct front flip-back Sport seats dealer fitted.

This was why I bought the car as it helped me sell the idea to 'she who shall be obeyed' as we had 2 young kids!

I have subsequently re-installed the Recarro Buckets as kids grew up. I'm now thinking of putting it back to factory and having Southbound remove rear seats etc and re-carpet (where required due to holes caused by seat etc fitment) to OE Spec.

I'm assuming this would help as opposed to hinder if and when I sell?

What do the RS brains trust think? :)


The important thing is you have the Recaro buckets. In my opinion they totally enhance the driving experience and will only get harder to find and no doubt more expensive.

I don't necessarily think there is a right answer, in some respects as prices appear to rise, originality is key. On that basis if the car came with the flip front sports seats from the factory, maybe that is ultimately correct.

I know when I saw your car advertised before you purchased it, the addition of rear seats didn't put me off when I enquired.

Now the RS seem to spend more time at car shows than on the track, the family friendly addition of rear seats may be more useful than ever.

As long as you have both options available and maybe purchase a new "ready to fit" rear carpet set, you have all bases covered from the point of resale.

If the 993 goes, what would you replace it with?
Hi Paul, it had the Recarro buckets from the factory, the flip back front seats and rear seats were a later dealer fit. So taking rear seats etc
out would get it back to how it left factory. But I take your point re. leaving as is especially as I have both sets of seats.

No plans to sell! I drive it very rarely now, but when I do - WOW!!

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