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R3 Porsche Teeside Concours and Social Day

Hi Amy can you please include me, Alan, Grant and Barry in for the social side please. Thanks Derek

Thanks everyone for the wonderful interest for event so far for both the social and concours side. Been a great R3 response.

Anyone interested in concours and think we are full; that's not the case as it's down to getting the registration back when Amy sends them out and sometimes we get people dropping out, so we will run a reserve list.

So if you are thinking about, I'd say chuck a bucket of water over it and bring it along, you never know what you may win; it's great event to do and a real experience.


Good afternoon,

If it is not too late I would like to attend this please? I might also have a bash at the concourse if there is a place, in the newcomer category?



Hello David and Amy

Could I please register my interest in attending the Concours Event on the 16th of October. My main interest would be to enter a visitors class if you get enough interest.

Many Thanks Phil Ward

Region R7

996.2 C2 911 CW03 EGF Midnight Blue


Hi Amy

I hope that you are well

I am from R7 and have submitted an application form to enter the concourse if there is a visiting class

Please let me know if our application has been accepted


Matt Booker

Please can you add me to the list for the social side. Definitely not entering the concours with a doom blue car :ROFLMAO:

David just to confirm I will be there, hopefully with the 944 as an entry. Otherwise as a spectator with the other one


Hi David and Amy

Please put myself and Dianne down for the visit, will not enter the concourse


Keith Jackson

Hi David and Amy,

Sue and I would love to attend the social side to catch up with everyone.

See you there.

Charles & Sue

Yes I will be attending with my 1969 911T Sportomatic , could it be entered into a concours category ? How do I aquire a registration form


The R3 October newsletter states concourse participants will "receive individual information packs". Will these be issued by email or snail mail ? I've no clue about concours, so looking forward to some info.




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