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Price help requested! Found in barn!


New member
My first post on this board!
I have found a 1972 911E non-sunroof coupe sitting in a shed.
Owner says the engine started smoking and he parked it...four years ago.
It has 94,000 miles on the odometer, flat tires and an inch of dust over the car.
The good news: "S" front spoiler, 6x15 Fuchs in mint condition, very nice black interior, and very little rust anywhere.
Original, unmolested MFI 911/52 2.4 engine and 915 5 speed.
What would be a fair offer?
I sincerely appreciate your opinions! Many thanks in advance!
If it has only been in the barn/shed for four year (2001?) it has still spent nearly 30 years being used and, potentially, abused, so it is unlikely to be the 'time warp' car we all dream of.

A 2.4E is a desirable little car, but it could also be a money pit.
No sport seats. Interior is very nice.
The only rust hole is in the driver's door pillar by the door latch. A bad spot, I know!
Floor pans are almost perfect. Both battery boxes are still clean. I felt the panel behind the rear seats, and it's very solid.
Both jack points and rockers are excellent.
Thank you for all replies! Mike
As long as ur realistic the mechanicals ,inc smoke will be defineable costs ...........and probably even if a top end ,likely at this mileage, affordable. Respectfully suggest an expert 911 man needed to check the body/rust .....................sounds a bit like door shut going, in itself cheap piece ,however the kidney bowls etc behind plus a rear wing V . LUMPY MONEY! a good friend of mine just took his '72 s for a few bits and bobs to be tarted up and having removed much paint revealed previously unknown horrors ................hes owned the car for 2 years and never suspected the botches now revealed [ well known firm had refurbed !!!] He is now looking at trying to find a replacement shell or near £20k bill ........................this is no exaggeration its just occurred..................respectfully suggest err on the side of caution......................
Anyone dare suggest a price . . . . . .

At minimum he'd have to sort brakes, engine and suspension to get it drivable.

If the car is complete, it's worth a few grand as spare parts . . . so how about £3,000.
As Vic has said only an assessment of the condition of the car can determine the price its worth. It's colour, original specification and whether it has matching numbers is only a part of what will make the car desirable if it is re-commissioned. Ultimately though it isn't worth as much as much as an S and quite frankly a full renovation would cost 20K plus even on a much better car and if you are going to spend that sort of money one can buy the best Rhd 911E available in todays market at the moment so why bother. The car needs to be inspected and the answer will then be immediately apparent what to do with the car. Speculation at this stage with the limited amount of information available is interesting but pointless. I think its worth £10K but then i haven't seen it!
As someone who's got a 2.4E in bits at the moment having vast amounts spent on bodywork, I wouldn't pay more than £5k for anything that hasn't just been restored. The body will cost £10k+ for a prep and re-spray if there's even the slightest thing wrong. The engine is unknown - 'smoky' so will probably need a couple of grand spent. If the interior is good then that's a start.

It sounds like my car. Looked good on the outside and inside but held a nightmare under the paint.

If you're a good welder/painter then go for it. In good nick they seem to be going for up to £25k at the moment.
Thank you all for the input!
This is a numbers matching LHD car....the engine has never been removed.
It is a bright "medium blue" color. I'm not sure of the number.
I've made an offer quite under 3000 pounds. Should know as early as tomorrow. I'll let you know how it all ends. Thanks again! Mike
At that sort of level dont think u cud go far wrong , matching numbers nice , but i have to say i dont see any 911 E at £25k yet ,if ever. There has been a nice orange one around similar spec perhaps better condition went jst before Christmas should be about !7/18k Total when all complete .Now all u have to do is ur arithmetic plus or minus personal feel of how much u want it !
Good luck, WARNING once u buy it and start even if u ve had loads of other Porsches making it 'proper' is addictive ...............................
Thanks Vic, and the rest.
Well, the owner called me tonight and accepted my offer. I'm picking the car up with my trailer on Sat. afternoon. I'll post a pic or two when it happens. Thank you again for your input! Mike
Congratulations u ve done well enjoy ur project, i am abt 2 months into my project on a car of the same age ............been lucky so far wish u the same .
Well done. Join the 2.4E club. I'd like to see some pics too.

Vic - You buying or selling? [;)]
Bought in November, late '72, 2.4 s ............working on it now should be like the first one i had in 1975 by about March !!
Well done. I remember talking to you about a 2.4 S in northants. My E is in bits at the moment having a new floor.
Mission accomplished!
I pumped up the tires, loaded it onto my trailer, and brought it home.
While loading it, oil poured out of the left side heat exchanger. That must be why all the smoke.

Dont remember u saying it waqs US spec LHD...................looks as described otherwise, i think you ll find thats Gemini blue under the dust , IMHO one of the best period colours and the engine sitiuation will become apparent pretty soon so u can let us all know how it turns out ..............again enjoy it

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