Being an old geezer I tend to prefer forums as a means of sharing information and pics. Seems that club and other meets come and go and others pass without a pic or hardly a mention as to how it was enjoyed, unless of course they are all posted on the Twittersphere or other such media sources which I am not connected to..?
On the lack of pics, no point in complaining and not posting pics myself..? I like to head out on good weather weekends around dawn to find my favoured routes generally free of traffic, and now that misty Mornings have returned to the scene, I headed out this morning and took my camera along for the ride. Grabbed a few pics and home in time for breakfast, what`s more to want..?
On the lack of pics, no point in complaining and not posting pics myself..? I like to head out on good weather weekends around dawn to find my favoured routes generally free of traffic, and now that misty Mornings have returned to the scene, I headed out this morning and took my camera along for the ride. Grabbed a few pics and home in time for breakfast, what`s more to want..?