We are organising an exclusive group visit to both the Lotus factory and the Classic Team Lotus facility at Hethel on Tuesday 22nd August 2023. There are a limited number of places available, so to avoid disappointment, we need to move forward and confirm this proposal now.
The date has been chosen primarily because it falls two days after the British Motor Show and two days before the Silverstone Classic so there should be plenty of activity on both sites.
In summary, HERITAGE TOURS run from 10:00 to 13:00 at £140 per person and FACTORY TOURS run from 14:00 to 16:00 at £95 per person with a maximum of 8 people on each tour. The combined cost amounts to £235 per person. We have been advised that undisclosed discounts will apply depending on the uptake.
Please visit the Lotus website to note the Terms & Conditions at https://www.lotuscars.com/en-GB/factory-tours The facilities are disability accessible.
We need to confirm this arrangement with payment as soon as possible in order to guarantee exclusivity, so if you wish to join us, please respond before the end of March (first come first served) stating your preferred option(s) by e-mailing m1ck.dennis@btinternet.com and forwarding your remittance direct to the R25 account at Lloyds Bank plc. Kent Region. Sort Code 30-98-97. Account number 33832262. Reference: ‘Lotus’.
The date has been chosen primarily because it falls two days after the British Motor Show and two days before the Silverstone Classic so there should be plenty of activity on both sites.
In summary, HERITAGE TOURS run from 10:00 to 13:00 at £140 per person and FACTORY TOURS run from 14:00 to 16:00 at £95 per person with a maximum of 8 people on each tour. The combined cost amounts to £235 per person. We have been advised that undisclosed discounts will apply depending on the uptake.
Please visit the Lotus website to note the Terms & Conditions at https://www.lotuscars.com/en-GB/factory-tours The facilities are disability accessible.
We need to confirm this arrangement with payment as soon as possible in order to guarantee exclusivity, so if you wish to join us, please respond before the end of March (first come first served) stating your preferred option(s) by e-mailing m1ck.dennis@btinternet.com and forwarding your remittance direct to the R25 account at Lloyds Bank plc. Kent Region. Sort Code 30-98-97. Account number 33832262. Reference: ‘Lotus’.