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Living dangerously

geoff Ives

PCGB Honorary Member
Just a word to you Manx Region members. did you know that the Island is such a dangerous place that our Board of Directors has has decided to cancel this years Manx Tour due to ' health and safety concerns and the club's liability surrounding such a visit to the IOM'.

The PORSCHESHOP MANX TOUR will still be going ahead but without PCGB backing.
I look forward to seeing you all again in May.

Geoff Ives. PORSCHESHOP MANX TOUR organiser.
I have just booked four days over on the IOM in April on the bike. Does this mean that I am in mortal danger because it is such a dangerous place to be? Had I have known I think I 'd have made it a week.
Perhaps I should start doing trackdays or going top the 'Ring as PCGB don't classify them as a Health and Safety problem.
When I was an RAF Flight Safety Officer I suggested that the best thing we could do to enhance flight safety would be to keep all the aeroplanes locked up in the hanger. We would then guarantee not to have any accidents. Trouble is, we would never have flown!

Given that statistially most accidents occur with 5 miles of one's house, might I suggest that the Board keep their cars in the next village and walk there to collect them. That way, statistically, they will not have an accident.

As for the Isle of Man. I've booked and am really looking forward to it. If it is as good as last year it will be terrific.
I have been organisingthe Isle Of Man event and the Cotswold Rally for about the same period of time.

Statistics. Accidents.
Cotswold Rally 1...... Isle of Man NIL.
Board decision Cotswold safe... Isle of Man dangerous.

Number of Cotswold Rallies =6
Number of Manx Tours = 6
Number of cars that have been on a Cotswold Rally =449
Number of cars that have been to the IOM = 526
I did "Mad sunday" in my 997 last year and i,m looking forward to doing it again this year !!
Yoyu may be interested to know that the MONACO IN MAN event now has the approval of PCGB.
As an avid member of the IOM set can I just say that if you go (there is still time to book), you will have the drive of your life. Even if you don't like driving (if so, what are you doing in PCGB?), you will still have a great time. It is by far the best event by far that the Club organises. Contact Geoff if you want more info.
ORIGINAL: geoff ives

You may be interested to know that the MONACO IN MAN event now has the approval of PCGB.

Great news then, since when Geoff and any reason for the second turn around [&:]

Also worth noting full payment is due this week....

Not really a turn around, what was said was: the IoM event will be supported by the Club only when a Club H&S Risk Assessment document has been submitted and accepted. These were introduced at the Officials Conference on Saturday for all events. Of course for those events with no risk, then this would be noted and nothing more needs to be done.

Why am I answering so many queries on the Forum?

Not really a turn around, what was said was: the IoM event will be supported by the Club only when a Club H&S Risk Assessment document has been submitted and accepted. These were introduced at the Officials Conference on Saturday for all events. Of course for those events with no risk, then this would be noted and nothing more needs to be done.

Not correct. The Cotswold Rally (Higher Risk) was authorised (without Risk Assessment) at the same time that the Manx Tour was rejected and on the same document. At that time the same information was available for both events. They both had similar history with the Club. They both had the same Organiser (me) .
Incidentally. I was also given authorisation for 'Porsche & Polo' in the same document.
It is not my Custom to reproduce documents on the forum and I will no (at the moment) do so in this case.
Geoff Ives. Manx Tour, Cotswold Rally and Porsche & Polo Organiser.

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