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IOM Visit

Fred Hindle

New member
Four of us are coming to the IOM for a few days at the end of April. Can anyone suggest any good places to go / ride out to? We will be on bikes (motor) not in Porsches.
Also can someone let us know the current price of unleaded petrol over there at the moment.
Hello Fred, I think that's actually me in the car with you coming over the Mountain.

There are two excellent cafe's now, one at The Sound (Southern Tip), and the other is Niarbyl Cafe, at Dalby.

If it's ordinary unleaded you're after I'll have a look tomorrow. It's normally about 2p more than you guys pay but I'll let you know.

Hope the weather picks up for your trip.


Dave Shadwell
Hello Dave,
Good to hear from you. Did your Dad ever get a tiptronic? He was very impressed with it when I took him out in mine.
Will earmark those cafes as possible watering holes.
Hello Dave,
The cafe at Niarbyl. What a setting, could have spent ages there but had to ride the bike instead.
Weather was good, two showers that didn't last three minutes in total.
Why don't you get the rich people on the IOM together and get those roads resurfaced? You can certainly tell when you're not on the TT course.
Thanks for the info.
At last, At last , at last ---- someone acknowledges the Fu-king crap roads here on the IoM!
I thought everyone had their head up thier ar-e?
Meeting on Monday night at the Outback hotel, Douglas, for anyone concerned about the state of driving on the IoM. But - hey-
there will be probably something on the box, or a plane landing somewhere.
I think it depends what you're driving. Some cars suffer more than others.

But, you're right, some of the roads could be superb with proper foundations and low-noise asphalt. But then you'd need an upper speed limit[&:]
You would notice the crap surface even when on that grey fergie Mark.[:)]
On the bike they were bad, even worse in a 964 if I remember.
What a breath of fresh air it is to read someone else stating the bleeding obvious.....
I was thinking - was it just me?
Roads with foundations? Isle of man? NO - the two sentences don't belong together!
The DOT here would be the most lazest, ineffictive, corrupt, ill-organized, badly run piece of government ever! ( and thats a compliment)
ORIGINAL: peter915

What a breath of fresh air it is to read someone else stating the bleeding obvious.....
I was thinking - was it just me?
Roads with foundations? Isle of man? NO - the two sentences don't belong together!
The DOT here would be the most lazest, ineffictive, corrupt, ill-organized, badly run piece of government ever! ( and thats a compliment)

Why did you move there then?[8|]
Thats a typical lame-brain answer I would expect from someone of the -
"The Elite".

The Isle of Man is a beautiful place, stunning in fact.
It was never, and never will be the people who made this Isle what it is.
The IoM could be, could be, a totally brilliant place, but sadly because of the level of corruption; combined with the fact that there is no such thing as an Ombudsman, or imparcial body, makes it difficult to improve the way of life.(thats is, what life is about, isn't?)
Basically, the current referrendum here on the IoM regarding the need for a speed limits is driven by the DOT.
The DOT are guilty of 30 or 40 years of neglect, roads have crumbled, whilst the IoM Govt builds State-of the Art Incinerators, Power stations (which run on fossil fuel), abbatiors (when there was nothing wrong with the old one) and a Hospital (complete with MSRA). All of this has been paid for. Very little Borrowings.
Yet, the IoM Govt raises ÂŁ26 million from fuel taxes, plus some ÂŁ10-ÂŁ20 million vehicle taxes (I have yet to confirm this figure) -- but spent a whole ÂŁ6 million last year on roads! ( this includes wages, etc) With a total of 200 miles of road to maintain, 6 million equates to ÂŁ30K per mile of road. But of course nothing like this is spent on all roads because the "TT" course takes something like 70% of all the budget - but thats (TT) no way perfect either. Windy corner was just re-built because the wonderful DOT made a co-ck-up of it in the first place. At the tax payers exspense!
For a major road, claimed to be a world famous road: it has some very bad road construction design. (like bitumen laid with out any foundation - basically on the grass!) (little or no under- road drainage) ( poor camber - in fact - negative camber).
ORIGINAL: peter915

Thats a typical lame-brain answer I would expect from someone of the -
"The Elite".

Thanks mate. That has given me the best laugh I've had for a long time.[:D]
I am usually described as Old'..'loud mouthed'... 'Fat'... 'Objectionable' and even (erroniously) 'A Yorkshireman' but NEVER 'Elite'.

You are wrong, it WAS the people who made the Island. Before the current tax haven migration the people were the Islands main asset. From the time of the Celts and Vikings the Manx people have accepted and welcomed the infux of 'comeovers'. Some of you are integrated and become part of Manx society, others delight in retaining previous national identity but seem to make the most noise without putting in the effort to rectify matters.

You refer to me as 'Elite'. I assume that you mean that I have achieved some status within the Club. That's because I have put in huge ammonts of (unpaid) work into the organisation and running of a facility that you enjoy. If you check your facts you will find that if it wasn't for me you would be a member of Region 18. It was at my instigation and with the hard work of Tony Corlett that you now have your own Region.. Please delete the word 'Elite ' and substitute 'Enthusiast'.

You talk about the TT circuit and lack of foundations. You do not mention which section you refer to. If it is the Mountain section it was never the main road to or from anywhere but, historicaly, a cart track that was used from 1911 for racing Motorcycles. Until the 1930's they had to open the gate above Kates Cottage to let the riders through.

As for the fact the majority of the revenue from motor taxation is not used on the roads, welcome to the rest of the world.

If you would like to continue this discussion on a face to face basis, I suggest that you come to the reception at the Mount Murray on Friday 26th May and you can find out just how 'elite' I really am.
I think the Isle of Man is wonderful - but it could be fantastic. There are a number of areas where investment through public and private enterprise could transform the quality of the Island without spoiling it.

But I do think the government are more inept than corrupt. As one famous resident once said to me. " It's a lovely place, with extraordinary potential - but it's run by the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker..." [&:]
having had a cottage for almost 4 yrs in Laxey,we think it is a wonderful place but I struggle to come to terms with the apparent "ineptness" highlighted by the media.
For 70k+ people,there must be some better talent available.It is more like "butcher,baker and pharmacist".
What makes them (the latter) so special that they think they can run government?
Blah, blah,
I'm not interested in The PCGB.
The Island was here before any human stood on its soil. Man has only plundered what is here. And continues too do so.
For those interested, see the following link and have a good look at the forum on this site.
See "Brand new Forum"
I don't need to mention which section of the TT course is bad - the whole road is poorly built: and that's not just my opinion, its fact. See again on the above forum. A section they re-paved last year -about 1.5 miles long consisted of simply laying 2 strips of approx 80mm thick ashpalt on the ground. No shoulders, no road base, no drainage. You can see the grass under the edges of the road. Another section near Cronky-vody, re-built last year, much earth-works, drainage, etc, has returned back to the way it was before the repairs last year, with water constantly on/across the road.
The Dot are using the speed limit issue in an attempt to save face because its cheaper than having to re-build vast sections of road (which is what is required). The roads here where fine for cars 40 years ago - now the cars have exceeded the roads.
Maybe thats because Fred doesn't use foul language..
An obsenity is still an obsenity even when you hide letters with d--shes.

Now, now, children. Play nicely.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions. It is possible that residents can integrate with Manx society and have a view on how things could be improved. Similarly, can we launder the language a bit, please.

We welcome all visitors, all constructive advice and justfied that order.


I have been away for a while so have only just seen this. I know and respect both of you but you need to rein this stuff in. Punch up's are fine and frankly do not bother me at all but take it off line as posting this on the IOM forum just makes us seem even more insular. I also do not think it shows much respect to Dave as IOM Sec.

My best to you both.

You may consider that it was a punchup but as far as I am concerned it was light hearted banter.[;)]

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