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Hey hey - well done Mark & Nic


New member
Just had to try and be first to post in here - ooooh - I can hear the echo - seriously - well done all on setting up this new piece of the forum.

Now - I suppose a picture of my old girl is needed?




Now - I suppose a picture of my old girl is needed?

Wow looks like you have plenty to keep you busy Phillip. I'm glad to see you now have your own section where we can all watch its progress. Well done

Just had to try and be first to post in here - ooooh - I can hear the echo - seriously - well done all on setting up this new piece of the forum.

Now - I suppose a picture of my old girl is needed?




i can't see my car in the back ground.[:eek:]
B****y h*ll wow.. Just seen it after I had just read an email from the 356 RS to say he disagreed with me and my well laid out point of view for a 356 forum. There was a few words in the Email which do make me feel alittle upset because it's the same words I heard before.. like wanting to progress more active members..who turn up at events rather than a desk top chat room.....

It's words like this that just make you want to bang my head against a brick wall.... Break that down and what is missing is the people who are doing resotrations at home, restorations with other restorers out side the 356 norm clan and then doing work at home and then also the people who are looking to buy a 356 and then also be apart of the 356 world..and also not all of us can afford £800 for an event !!!!!! Still short sighted IMHO...BUT!!!! on a very postitive note may add well done to all that helped.

I not interested in politics and as you know I more interested in building a 356 content on the forum here for the members and future members looking in.. I do not want to have a them and us attitude with what Fred is doing so with that in mind I am sending him a reply email. I also want to just put the proof in the pudding as it were. So lets build something for us all to use, which I am sure in time ( slowly ) it can be a very positive move for us ALL.

Well done every one.. when i get time I will build the 356 web site to go along with this.. eg to put up things like members cars and companies we have used and a list of easy question and answers for us to use and new members to look though. I am more than happy to do this at my own expence at the moment..
the site will be

which name would you all like me to use I own them all.

I thought the as when you drop the UK bit you get straight in to the very excellent US web site..

Any way Helen we need some pictures of your resto car..

ORIGINAL: Helen Goff
i can't see my car in the back ground.[:eek:]

You won't do [:D] These were taken at Gantspeed after she'd been stripped then sent for dipping - about a week before she went to Lee's workshop [;)]

We talked about this in the year and I for one am happy to do something like this..

A Flat four day at the club office...

We talked about this in the year and I for one am happy to do something like this..

A Flat four day at the club office...

sounds like a great opertunity to show Fred that we do more than just press the right (or wrong in my case) keys. i'd be delighted to bring both my flat 4s down to Cornbury house for that....[8D]
I know this is a little late to be thanking people (going back to the original post) . . . . but I understand the Robin Walker pushed this forward at board level . . . so cheers Robin.

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