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Here we go again.....!


New member
I noted from an article in the local press, that in the light of the recent scampering off of Lancaster and the loss of our OPC, that no less a chap than Adrian Kermode has secured a deal to operate the IOM OPC.

According to the article, Kermode (a piller of this commumity?) has written to all Porsche owners on the island?? Well, he hasn't written to me and bearing in mind I am one of only a few multiple Porsche owners here ...... no, I'll rephrase that - I probably own the most Porsches here ... I've not heard a peep from the guy.

So here we go again - I'm just waiting to see John McBride join Kermode and that'd really ice the cake. Come on Geoff (Turrell) if you're reading this, don't make the same mistake again!

We need an enthusiastic Porsche outlet here, one where we can all be proud of owning such cars .....
The IoM does deserve full OPC representation, but I don't think the necessary investment can be matched by the likely sales expectations.

Paul Dangerfield is the only one I'd trust with my Porsches in the IoM.

Sorry I missed you last month. Had a great time. Saw Paul, Peter Duke etc.

If I read the same article as you Tony it seemed to suggest only coverage from the UK anyway? This is not really a step forward therefore as there is lots of choice already if you plan to put your car on the boat accross. I think he was just advertising his business there, I doubt we will see much activity on their part here or the shipping over of mechanics etc.

Talking about Paul did I hear a rumour he has relocated his shop? I have been off Island a lot travelling so a tad out of touch currently.

I agree with you both. Point is, Porsche GB have given Kermode the rights to operate on the island - albeit from the UK - which is not the answer (on both counts).
Geoff Turrell.
Are you reading this?
I had to take my 911 to the IOM OPC on 2 occaisions. In 2000 it was the cluch and he farmed it out to a guy who told me 'I havn't done a Porsche before but the lad has put a clutch in a Herbie'. In 2001 I took it in with a electrical fault and received it back with a tickover of 2,200 rpm. i complained n(and how) a guy fiddled wiyth it in their car park. Next day the engine destroyed itself. when I got it home Autofarm found the the timing had been set at 13degrees advanced at static !!!! The co level was .03 instead of .3!!
Parts of my engine are on display at Murray Museum at the Bungalow. Other bits at Cornbury House.

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