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Help again - Clutch ' clunk'


New member
Hi, me again.

Another of the list of woes on my 944 (though I would fight tooth & nail to never be parted from her, let that be understood!) is a clunk I get from the clutch when I release it after changing gear.

This is particularly noticeable at low speeds (more other noise at higher speeds I guess!) and can be minimised by letting the clutch back in very gently.

I have done some research and the general concensus seems to be it is the ' clutch pressure plate' , whatever that is. Are we talking major expense here? Are we talking a new clutch or hours of labour to replace this part?

I love my car dearly and to have her making this horrendous noise is breaking my heart!
Sounds more like the center plate braking up
price of 2.5 clutch kit £225.00 plus vat
price of S2 clutch kit £330.00plus vat
all in stock

01271 866818
We' re not talking cheap here are we?

I guess the honeymoon was too good to last

I' ve had the car 3 years now and the only problems I' ve had that involved major expense were

- the head gasket leaking: £150 to fix
- leaks in both rear & both front footwells, £300 to investigate & solve all but one
- starter motor failure £130

Guess I need to take a deep breath & make a decision

Let me know how yours pans out Doug!
There is a large thick rubber disk bonded to one side of the clutch plate which can become separated luckily Porsche had seen fit to included 3 driving " dogs" into the assembly so that even if it fails one side can still drive the other, there is about quarter of an inch gap between the each of the driving dogs though and that is what you can hear each time you push or release the clutch. it' s not ideal but as long as you aren' t harsh with the clutch you could drive with it like that for miles and miles with no problems.
New clutch and a lot of pennies later clunk gone car drives like a dream - the large rubber bit on cluch could rotate by approx 90 degrees no wonder it was clunking

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