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Fame at Last! - "911 & Porsche World"

John H

New member
Delighted to announce that the much heralded and awaited group test of the 968 is now published in the new December issue of "999 & Pork World".

The good news is that my car is now famous ... the bad news is that the donkey cart dragging the magazines to the frozen north of Scotland has yet to arrive, so I have to make do with this snippet. RATS!

Read it carefully, we will be asking questions later!

John H

Great to hear your car is even more famous [:)]

PS The donkey cart hasn't even made it to the south east of England yet, so you might be waiting some time! [;)]

Must rush out and get the '968' issue of Porscheworld need to revise for the threatened questions! and then save it for my grandchildren!!

-- in the meantime Porsche Post just arrived and I note the passionate plea from yourself for more active participation in this forum -- good on yer.

One question I do have is what events should we 968 owners be planning to attend in 2004? I know that attendance at 968 gatherings can sometimes be dismal but does anyone like the trip to Le Mans for instance?

As I got my car this year and am only now getting up to speed with all you guys, I am not aware of any other events.

John, do you think we should start a thread on 2004 events?

A suggestion, how about flagging up one of the PCGB trackdays as a concentrated gathering of the clan. Those that wish to drive can, those that prefer to swap notes and see other peoples tyres worn out can do that as well.


John, do you think we should start a thread on 2004 events?

Now that's we we need, VOLUNTEERS! Go for it mate.

Being as I am in Bonnie Scotland I tend not to get to English gatherings, but there is a small, but growing, core of Scottish 968 owners and I am going to organise some sort of outing come springtime.

article looks great - nice to see so much exposure for the 968..especially with 3 of them in such a great colour [;)]. look like fantastic roads as well.
how are you coping with the fame [8D]

only thing i found odd was the statement that std coupes are more expensive than the CS's at the moment. When i bought mine it seemed to be the other way round - if only marginally. also found that most CS's were sold by the time you phoned the advert..whereas the std coupes seemed to stay around a bit longer.
Agreed, 8 pages about 968's can't be bad!

As to prices, I don't think you can draw ANY conclusions at all, as prices seem to be all over the shop. From my own experience I have found that price relates to condition and history, and almost nothing else. There are so few of these cars around, and so few for sale, that it is hard to determine price trends. There are some very scruffy ones doing the rounds too, which skews what they are really worth.

I am delighted to see that David Sutherland says much the same thing, namely wait till a good car shows up at the right price, rather than fixating over a given model. I am also a little surprised that he has flown in the face of conventional"journo" wisdom by saying to go for the Coupe or the CS rather than the Sport. Mind you, having driven all of them, the differences are not as great as some journos would have you believe. I set out to buy a Sport, but bought my coupe simply because it was the best car I saw, and I love it.

Especially now it's famous!

John H (please form an orderly queue for autographs!)
I enjoyed reading the artical in 911&Porsche world. but i'd like to know who was the camara shy driver of the white club sport??

nice pictures
Hello again John H,
Nice to see our cars in the mag. The write-up wasn't bad either, although I wonder what happened to the hundreds of photos taken on the day by Graham Harrison.
Congratulations on starting up the Forum. This is my first post so I'm not too sure what I'm doing.
Dave Portman
Welcome on board Dave, and glad you have joined us.

Agreed, excellent article, and good publicity for the 968.

I did in fact ask Graham Harrison about buying some prints, but he clearly does not normally sell them. Perhaps I'll try again. Does seem sad that he must have taken so many, and so few got used.

John H
Useful link to some of the photos taken and now put up on the site

still not had time to search out a copy of the mag -- better rush!



Nice to see the article, car's looking great.

Do you know if the owner of the Sport in the article is online?

Unless the photo's got mixed up, the interior shot in the Sport section shows a Coupe centre console (analogue clock) and what looks like air-con. I was just wondering of these were options on the Sport, or if they've been retro-fitted.

Do you know if the owner of the Sport in the article is online?

You will get him on

Unless the photo's got mixed up, the interior shot in the Sport section shows a Coupe centre console (analogue clock) and what looks like air-con. I was just wondering of these were options on the Sport, or if they've been retro-fitted.

I do believe you are correct, and the photos are wrong. I think they have put the picture of the Cab in place of the Sport. Well done eagle eyes. Ironic really, as the photographer and the journo went to great lengths to make sure they had them all correct. A mistake in the magazine composition I suspect.

just to clarify about the photo,
indeed they have been mixed up, and I suspected they might as somebody from the magazine rang me up prior to the article being published to check which photos where which, I went to great lengths to describe each one but it was one of those conversations where communication didn't seem to be the priority from the other side. Shame as communication is the key in most things and on this occasion it ended in a silly mistake.

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