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John H

New member
This occured to me after I posted up the picture of the metallic raspberry car. (I'll add it again in case you missed it)

Does anyone own, or even know of, any 968's in unusual or special order colours? The Club Sports in particular only came in a very limited colour range, and I'd be keen to know if there are any factory special colours going around.

I would kill for a Club Sport in Rubystone Red!

John H

No takers on this one?

Surely out of the 1000 or so 968's in the UK there must be some in special order colours. No?

There is a mint green cabriolet *somewhere* in the UK - it was sold by Cridfords of Surrey earlier this year. Maybe someone in the club owns it?
Indeed, I recall seeing the adverts for that, and it was the subject of much debate on at the time.

Any advance on a mint green cab?

saw this on anybody know the offical colour name for this..I think it's great!


Just plain old black 968

The 968 looks fabulous in Riviera Blue. I've only got a tiny photo of one and to be honest, photos don't do the colour justice. In the flesh a 968 in this colour looks the business.


Hi Guys, I am considering a 968. I have previously owned a 944 S2 cab[:)] and a 3.2 Carrera SSE[:)] But want to get back to a more balanced and predictable car[:D] Anyway Autobahn has a CS in rivera blue but it is retailing at £15995. Does anyone have any thoughts on prices?

Mmm, at this rate we can move the 968 register to Scotland!

Neill, Autobahn apparently have a good reputation, but £16k is certainly towards the top end of the price spectrum. You could certainly buy a comparable car privately for less money, but of course without the comeback of buying from a dealer. Classic case of "you pays your money, and takes your chances"


Cramond, thursday?
Hi John, Thanks for your input. I have no trade-in so would expect something off that price! I realise that privately there are cheaper cars but with much bigger mileages. And I am going to run this as my only car so that will be something to consider.

P.S. Going to TIPEC this month instead[8D]

Had a quick look at the Autobahn car on the web. Certainly looks nice, but I'd say it was too pricey for a '93K car. The ad doesn't mention mileage except to say that it's "very low", which could be good or bad news depending upon how the car has been treated.

In addition, I'd expect 968CSs should be slightly cheaper than Sports or Coupes, but that isn't always reflected by forecourt prices.

One more point - the ad says that Reviera blue is a metallic colour, but it's not - it's a flat finish.




I once saw a Boxster 2.5 in this colour and it looked absolutely terrible [:eek:]

It didn't suit the car at all and the strange thing was the car was a very low spec example but someone had spent the £2100.00 for the special colour that made the car look anything but special.

Definitely suited the 968 better IMO ... Robert

i spent a while looking for a 968cs to run as an everyday car - found that prices were quite variable with tiptronic [:'(] LHD cars being the cheapest, and CS's either the most expensive or sold by the time i called [>:] (calling the evening 911PW or PP was delivered, the CS's had gone).

I ended up going to a dealer and getting a one owner since new, nicely cared for, full history, 70k 1994 car for around the £14k mark, knowing I would then do a full belts & fluids change for peace of mind. Expensive vs. some of the adverts you see, however dealer car, peace of mind, good condition etc etc. I came to the conclusion that saving an extra thousand or so by going private was not worth the hassle/risk/time.

The Autobahn car seems a bit high even for a dealer - but worth looking at I reckon.

How about this one in Cadbury purple, just seen it on Autotrader, Sport model 1994 £10995

try this URL


Well spotted, never sen a purple one before, with balck and purple interior too. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I'd love to see it.

The Nivea blue is (I think) Riviera Blue, although there was later blue called Maritime Blue as well (off to find my anorak!)

I was thinking of getting a new anorak John, what sort is the best, is there one with elasticated cuffs [8D]

Ok, serious anorak time!

Methinks the 'Cadbury Purple' is actually Iris Blue. Looks blue in some lights, purple in others. Very tasty - a friend has a 95 Sport in this colour.

The Riviera Blue (1993 on) replaced the Maritime Blue (1992 only); maritime blue is a little darker.

Maritime blue:


Riviera blue:


Me, I like all the blues, so I have red... go figure!

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