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Clutch Weirdness


PCGB Member
Morning All, Having some clutch oddness with my S2.

Measured the wear and it's about 50% worn at 140k (easy life until I got it), but for a wee while it's juddered a bit going from 3rd to 2nd unless revs are matched.

For a couple of weeks the bite point has been quite high in the pedal and quite sudden. Then last weekend the first half of the travel in the pedal went very very light, as if it's not moving anything and the bite point is right at the bottom. Gears are engaging absolutely fine with no slippage but something clearly amiss?

Slave & Master Cylinder? Release bearing? or am I destined to spend this year doing a clutch change I can ill afford at the moment.
have you checked the colour of your clutch fluid lately ?
My guess is that either your master cylinder or slave cylinder rubber seals are shot giving you this odd intermittent issues.
I would buy some seal kits and replace the seals in both cylinders and renew the fluid and bleed the system thoroughly and see if that cures the issue. Its a very simple cheap job and can only improve the operation of your clutch going forward.
944 2.7 1990 Lux
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If you go down the route of refurbishing your existing slave and master cylinders, I'd check they aren't scored first. Likely that they will be scored and/or corroded inside if the fluid hasn't been changed for a long time and the seals have perished. If so, you won't be able to refurbish them and will need to replace with new.
Clutch fluid is one of those jobs I keep meaning to get to but the bleed nipple is corroded as hell & have feared snapping it. Might suck up new cylinders in the hope I don't need to get the clutch done as I don't have the space to do a full clutch change myself.

Time to spend some time crawling around underneath & hopefully that fixes it.
I seem to remember the last time I bought a new clutch slave cylinder I bought an Audi part which was an identical part but a lot cheaper without the Porsche label ;)
Clutch fluid is one of those jobs I keep meaning to get to but the bleed nipple is corroded as hell & have feared snapping it. Might suck up new cylinders in the hope I don't need to get the clutch done as I don't have the space to do a full clutch change myself.

Time to spend some time crawling around underneath & hopefully that fixes it.
Remember to disconnect the battery first - the permanent live wires to the starter are very close to the clutch slave cylinder.
I seem to remember the last time I bought a new clutch slave cylinder I bought an Audi part which was an identical part but a lot cheaper without the Porsche label ;)
Yes I think the early cars use a VW part (can tell by the part number beginning with a "4" instead of "9"). Late cars use a Porsche specific part which is a bit more expensive 😭
its a pity that we havn't got a list of Porsche compatible parts that everyone can add to.

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