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Andrew CS


It is with great shock and sadness that today, I have to report the sudden and unexpected passing of PCGB Cayman forum member Andrew James, a regular contributor to the Cayman forum as Andrew CS.

I have been given permission from his daughter to publish this post. Andrew passed away suddenly at home on Wednesday 15th May 2024.

I have known Andrew for many years through attending PCGB events both locally and nationally. Originally from south Wales, Andrew relocated to the north east of Scotland with his family. Following my moving on from the Porsche brand in 2021, Andrew kept in touch and we enjoyed occasional get-togethers for lunch and catch-up chats. Some members may recall Andrew and myself sharing the cost of an exclusive track test at Knockhill in 2022, comparing the relative track performance of his Cayman GT4 and my Alpine A110 legend GT.

I last met Andrew in April 2023 for lunch at an Aberdeenshire country house estate. We had planned another meet up this year. Only last week, when the weather was warm and sunny, I had thought of contacting him again to arrange another meet up at the same venue. Sadly, that will not now happen.

He was a good friend to me, and we enjoyed many car related events together. I always enjoyed his convivial company and I know he will be sadly missed by many contributors to this forum.

Thank you for letting us know Brian. I did not get the opportunity to meet Andrew in person, but I feel I knew him from his frequent contributions to the forum on a wide range of topics. I am sure that he will be sorely missed by many in the Cayman fraternity and the Porsche community as a whole. If you do speak to his family, please pass on our condolences and best wishes.
Thank you for your response John.

I am attending Andrew's funeral next week, and I shall pass on your condolences to his family.


On hearing such very sad news, may I echo John’s comments and join with him in offering my own condolences and best wishes to Andrew’s family and friends.

And the same from me too. I never met Andrew but we spoke via PM a few times on various subjects and we generally commented on the same 981 and GT4 related threads. He seemed like a most excellent chap so I'm sure he will be very much missed.

Many condolences to his family and friends.

I only met Andrew once, for lunch along with Brian Innes, during one of my Cayman tours to Scotland. We kept in touch by email to discuss our interest in cars and hillclimbing. I'll miss those emails from Andrew, as well as his posts on these forums.
Thanks for posting this sad news Brian. I first met Andrew during my stint as R2 RO, he was a thoughtful and generous person, and will be missed in the Club and among his friends. Please add Pauline and myself to those offering our condolences.
Hope to see you for a catch up sometime soon.
Steve Rose

Very sad news, Andrew was always helpful and considerate and I shall miss a forum confidant.

Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments.

It is a true testament to Andrew's generous and knowledgeable character, that so many members of this club and forum have posted their appreciation of his worthy contribution to our lives.

I shall pass on your thoughts and condolences to Andrew's family at his funeral next week.

I would like to add my personal condolences to all who have contributed so far in like style.Although I never met Andrew personally ,he was a fantastic help to me when struggling to re-commission my friends 1976/7 924 even offering a complete list of suitable Porsche or VW Golf GTI spares for my consideration with those chosen being offered FOC apart from postage plus benefit of his technical knowledge.
A true Gent & kind person. RIP Andrew.
Thank you Brian for passing on this very sad news. I knew Andrew because he came on two of the Region 7 trips that I organised to the Scottish Borders region where he certainly enjoyed exploiting his white GT4 on the stunning empty roads there.
He was a lovely man, very friendly, funny and generous. We continued to communicate occasionally by email, and we did hope that he might join us again in the Borders for more fun. He will be much missed.
Think the Regions R1& R2 will wish their condolences passed on to the immediate family .I may have crossed Andrew's path in the 30 odd years been a member of PCGB , certainly read his posts on the forum.
Brian Wood
Really sad news indeed. Andrew was a conscientious contributor of the forum and hi knowledge and fellowship will be missed. I never met him but behind his numerous and elaquant posts he seemed a very nice person.

Brian, please pass on my condolences to his family at the funeral next week.

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