1 winter prepping I have always added engine oil or 2 stroke to the fuel tank before winter about 150 ml per 10 Ltrs take the car for a short drive to get it around the fuel system and the store the car keeps the injection system lubricated and corrosion free. Aston Martin have recommended this in their owners manual before winter storage till at least 2000 if you think Im mad!
2 if your spark delay relay is old or maybe original think of buying a spare spark delay relay as if they break the car will not start or run or continue to run if it fails on a trip. When you turn the car on The fuel pump is turned on and the spark time delay relay is activated and the car will start. When you switch off the fuel pump turns off but the delay relay keeps the ignition connected for a few seconds before shutting down to burn the remaining fuel in the injection lines etc and stopping the unburnt fuel causing dieseling, popping or backfire in the exhaust, very common of cars of that era.
2 if your spark delay relay is old or maybe original think of buying a spare spark delay relay as if they break the car will not start or run or continue to run if it fails on a trip. When you turn the car on The fuel pump is turned on and the spark time delay relay is activated and the car will start. When you switch off the fuel pump turns off but the delay relay keeps the ignition connected for a few seconds before shutting down to burn the remaining fuel in the injection lines etc and stopping the unburnt fuel causing dieseling, popping or backfire in the exhaust, very common of cars of that era.