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993 RS @ RM Auctions, London on 8 Sept


PCGB Member
Anyone out there got a magnet to try out on this car's alleged "alloy" doors...?!

Apparently the car's speedlines also have "magnesium centres".

I wonder if the copywriter doesn't know his/her a**e from his/her elbow, or perhaps they dropped Karl Ludvigsen's book on the floor halfway through writing their copy and when the picked it up again they were on the 993 GT2 page?


PS As an owner of a small winged 993 RS maybe I am just sore about the reference to a non-Clubsport winged car as being a "lesser RS". The cheek of it......[;)]

Aside from the lot listing inaccuracies, it looks to be a rather nice lesser RS.[;)]
I don't know the car (nor its history) but at a casual glance I see nothing untoward.
'Be interesting to see what sort of money it sells at.
Probably worth popping down to Paragon before bidding though....
Curious how they refer to the M002 as the lesser RS, even though it has so much more such as carpets, stereo, seat belts, leather and often airbags and electric windows! [:D]

Not a bad write up, they got the engine and gearbox types correct for this variant, we could pick them up on the brake description, but that would be harsh [;)]

I actually prefer the looks of the "smaller spoiler" cars myself, it just looks right!

Ali doors and mag wheel centres, not standard as you say, but I have seen cars fitted with both as per early GT2.

As many cars have been tweaked over the last 20 years, it's getting rare to find a standard specification car.

Interested to see what this sells for or how close to it's reserve, it looks a great example.

Hi Clubsport

I agree, the RM Auctions one looks a very nice example.

When I was down at Classic Le Mans in July of this year Artcurial had a couple of 993 RSs in their auction. If you didn't already know about these you might be interested as these would seem to be real world prices (not Amari-style 'fishing' exercises....)

1. Artcurial's 993 RS road car (despite being held back by the 'lesser' small wing no less! [;)] ) went for 263K EUR (approx GBP 207K) which I assume included the buyer's premium. This pretty mighty price was way over the somewhat pessimistic (IMHO) pre-sale estimate of 140 - 180K EUR.

2. Artcurial's 993 RS Clubsport went for 202K EUR (approx GBP 160K), more in line with the pre-sale estimate of 150 - 200K EUR.

I hope this is of interest.

Thank's Grogger.

Very interesting...

Looking at the photos, the CS appears a decent example and with the lower mileage and rarity compared to the silver car appears to be almost a reasonable purchase.

On the face of it, in comparison, the sales price of the silver M002 car, although nice appears almost,,,, barking!

If the M002 had been Riviera or maybe Speedgelb than maybe it would make some sense? Silver 993's (again wonderful etc....not to offend!) are not usually so coveted unless they have really low mileage and exceptional provenance.

Based on that sale the "lesser cars," in terms of spoilers appear to be commanding the big money?! [:D]
I was at Classic Le Mans and looked at both cars. Neither was perfect and both wanted a bit of a refresh, IMO, but were honest and straight. The prices referred to above don't include commission. Perhaps the most interesting buy was the Cup. It needed work to return to factory spec but was extremely good value at south of £100k inclusive of commission.

£215k hammer - didn't sell.

The photos on the turntable look familiar setting. Which dealer owns it then?

So, The 993RS reached £215k before commission.

Certainly an impressive figure, I would have thought?

Consider, an ultra low miles Enzo sold for £850k 1/400 cars and a good F40 sold for £680k 1/1100 (approx).

So on that basis, you can see the limited number homologation Porsche cars looking almost reasonable on a relative value basis? [8D]

If something doesn't sell at auction you can ignore what it bid to.

You know what car dealers are like :)

Put a car into auction looking for a big number. Set reserve at say £220k. Ask friends to bid up to just below reserve knowing car won't sell.

I'm not saying it happens but look at the property auctions. Plenty gets bid to £1k behind reserve and is then offered as 'un sold' lot at te reserve which can in some cases be more than full retail.

I don't disagree with you and now I find myself for the first time in nearly 15 years without one, I am now looking for another car. Prefer solid colour and will look at both RHD or LHD. If anyone knows of any cars please send them my way.

Fair point on the bidding strategy.

As I mentioned on the love of marketing earlier, it does seem to me some of these buyers get caught up in the moment, maybe the sellers are hoping for a decent bite on the day?

Essential, are you open to M002 and or M003 in a solid colour? [;)]
Speak to Paul McLean, I believe he has three, speed yellow 28000km, Guards Red, 30,000km & Riviera Blue ?km, maybe you knew this already Mike ?
Im shocked, thought that was a keeper for life, you must have pulled very strong money for Mike, Paul has a lightweight in Riviera, or do you fancy a colour change ?
Not sure what off the wall means, but the bidding started at £50k and from memory went very rapidly as something like this:

It then went quite slowly to £215k in £5k bids.

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