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Max Levell will be undertaking a charity fundraising drive from London to Saigon in his 1966 swb 912. Extracts from his website below. Any sponsorship will be much appreciated and for a very good cause.
Why? Inspired by the challenge and tempted by the prospect of adventure, yes. But most importantly convinced by the fantastic opportunity to raise funds for my favourite charity, the outstanding Mines Advisory Group (MAG). The trip is not part of an organised tour or rally, rather a self-conceived & planned solo car effort, with an intentional lack of support vehicles and backup in general. The route will include the Balkans, Serbia, Croatia, Bulagria, Istanbul, Armenia, Georgia, Baku, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, China, Vietnam. (MAG) is a neutral and impartial humanitarian organisation that clears the remnants of conflict for the benefit of communities worldwide.
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Why? Inspired by the challenge and tempted by the prospect of adventure, yes. But most importantly convinced by the fantastic opportunity to raise funds for my favourite charity, the outstanding Mines Advisory Group (MAG). The trip is not part of an organised tour or rally, rather a self-conceived & planned solo car effort, with an intentional lack of support vehicles and backup in general. The route will include the Balkans, Serbia, Croatia, Bulagria, Istanbul, Armenia, Georgia, Baku, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, China, Vietnam. (MAG) is a neutral and impartial humanitarian organisation that clears the remnants of conflict for the benefit of communities worldwide.
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