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356 International Spain

paul kelley

PCGB Honorary Member
Hi All

Just a reminder. The International is in Spain this year.

17th May...........20th May

1600 euros per car including 2 people

For full details

Ferry...Portsmouth/Bilbao Monday 14th May(out)
Tuesday 22nd May(return)
Approx £550.00 return (inc cabin)

So far there are approx 5 cars going from the UK. If anybody wishes to discuss the above, please contact me by telepnone 0208 940 1338 or email

Have fun

Paul Kelley
Paul at some time I asked about the cost of these events,( can't remeber who I asked ) there is a number of people who find this sort of money alittle out of their range and I was under the understanding that they 356 int, were looking at a mini event which would cost less. Do you know anything about this..? is it something they are looking at? or is a pipe dream?

link here.
Hi All

Yes the cost of events are being discussed at the moment by Fred Hampton with other 356 Clubs. However International events are quite expensive to organise and run especially when the participants come from( in some circumstances) long distances.

The smaller and shorter events will only attract participants who are more `local` , for an example take the events organised by Fred Hampton for the early cars over the last few years.

Unfortunately we cannot satisfy all of the people all of the time! ( can`t satisfy some of the people at any time!!!!!!!!)

Have fun

Paul Kelley
been trying to get my 356 ready for this but as its still at two diffrent porsche specialists at diffrent ends of the country and also yet to be registered i fear its not going to make it for this years event.[&o]

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