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05 Jan 2016

Mike Windsor RIP

Mike Windsor a keen member of the 991 register has passed away.

This is what is posted on the 991 register by Peter Webb.

It is with much sadness that we report that Mike Windsor passed away today after his battle with cancer. Mike was a much loved member of the Club and I’m sure we all pass on our condolences to Pauline and family.
We will remember the support that both he and Pauline have given the 991 Register, attending every event that we put on until ill health finally forced him to cancel their participation on the European Tour which they were greatly looking forward to.
Many of you will know that Mike owned the only 991 Club Coupe in the UK,  and many of the miles that he put on the car were quick ones on 991 runs.  It is particularly poignant that it is three years to the day that we met up at Porsche Bristol along with R16 members to unveil their car and see the album of pictures from the official collection from the factory along with the other 12 cars.
A more comprehensive obituary will be submitted for Porsche Post, but in the meantime we will let anyone who wishes know of the funeral arrangements when they are announced.

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