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29 December 2019

Sunday Coast Drive

We are meeting at Porsche Centre Bournemouth at 10.30am to leave at 11.00am on Sunday 29th December, for a drive along The Coast Road, finishing at The Hive Beach Cafe at Burton Bradstock. The Coast Road was recently added to the AA's most scenic roads in Britain list, and so is usually full of Grockles. This time of year hopefully we can enjoy it with a little more space!
There is a National Trust car park at The Hive, free for National Trust members, otherwise pay and display, and the cafe has a very good reputation for quality food, or just coffee and cake.
Porsche Centre Bournemouth will be on a skeleton staff at this time of year, so whilst a convenient meeting place, please don't bombard them for teas and coffee. It is suggested where possible we park on the road outside as space is limited.
The trip should be approximately 50 miles, so please ensure you have enough fuel for that, and to get home at the end!
We look forward to seeing you at Porsche Centre Bournemouth.

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