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15 July 2016

Weymouth Porsche on the Prom

Weymouth Porsche on the Prom evening is a new event for 2016. From 6.00pm (please do not turn up early to help us avoid traffic conjestion) to 10.00pm on 15th July. There is no restriction on numbers attending for this event. So come along and enjoy an evening with other Porsche owners.

The event's main sponsor is the Porsche Centre Bournemouth.

Just turn up in your Porsche and marshals will direct you to your parking place. Please keep your speed below 10mph while manoeuvring on the promenade and refrain from excessive revving of engines. There will be holiday makers with children and pets in close proximity so your cooperation is appreciated.

Then just enjoy the atmosphere with other owners and the general public while partaking in some local fayre and refreshments available at numerous outlets.

Hot News: BBC South Today Live!, Local radio, Press and South Dorset's MP are attending.

Paul Butcher has also obtained the blessing of the weather gods!

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