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27 Nov 2020

Photos by Bernard Fourie

Porsche Post - R19 Special Edition

We always enjoy meeting our Members' families and hearing of how they have been enjoying their Porsche.

It was fantastic to open our email one morning to find a Special Edition of Porsche Post had been sent in to us from R19 Club Member Bernard Fourie and his Sons, Benjamin and Sebastian.

Bernard says "I am not sure who is more excited in our house to receive the monthly Porsche Post magazine, whether it is me or the children. I think the latest craze for the young ones is to spot Porsche Tycan’s in the magazine."

With inspiration from the monthly Porsche Post magazine, our 7 year old (Benjamin) decided to make his own version and asked me to share it with you. He was so excited about the project, and actually wanted to show it you in person during a get together….unfortunately lockdown happened.


Attached is the scanned version of his Porsche Post. I was approached to contribute with some sketches too"

You can see this very special edition of Porsche Post below.  

Porsche Post - R19 Special Edition

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