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27 - 30 October 2022

The 17th Annual Gain-an-Hour Weekend

Our regional Weekend of the Year, the legendary Gain-An-Hour weekend, is back for 2022 for it's 17th year.

For those new to the concept, this weekend away falls on the last weekend of British Summer Time when the clocks go back - hence the name, and there's always a bit of mystery surrounding the location until you have booked on.

This year, the event will take place from Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 October.

The format is always the same - R2 escapes to an idyllic location for a weekend, taking over a characterful hotel. Members arrive on either the Thursday or Friday afternoon, to have Friday and Saturday to enjoy driving or other activities. The traditional Saturday party will be present and correct.

The weekend's drives are scheduled for the Friday and the Saturday. Of course, the drive routes are only suggestions, and you are free to go as you please. A welcome pack will also include some suggestions for places to visit both on and off the driving routes.

This has been a very popular event in past years, and there is a limit to the number of places available to keep the group to a manageable size and also due to the size of the hotel and its restaurant for dinner on the Saturday night.

This years location has now been confirmed (but as usual is staying a secret!) 
A breakdown of costs can be seen below: 

Based on a couple sharing...

2 Nights (Fri/Sat) incuding breakfast and party night dinners  - £290
3 Nights (Thurs/Fri/Sat) including breakfast and party night dinner  - £390

The opening of booking for this event will be on the 31st of July at 10:00am. 

Booking is now open!! Please register your interest by emailing us at - Good Luck!! 

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