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15 July 2018

Joint Concours with Region 1

Our annual "Show'n'Shine" gathering with the Scotland South Region will be on Sunday 15th July, 10 am to 4 pm. This year we have a new venue: Glamis Castle.

This is a great chance to show off your pride and joy, and meet up with members from all over both Scottish Regions. Entries will be judged, and prizes will be awarded!

There's a pleasant restaurant - the Victorian Kitchen - and beautiful grounds to explore. (Entry to the castle is extra but a group discount will be offered.)

Booking is required, download the booking form (Click the link, or find it under "Documents" on the Resources Page), and forms should be returned with payment in advance (£5 per car) to Gill, as detailed on the form, as soon as you can. Space is limited and must be pre-booked.

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