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25 Jan 2016

New Year Dinner

R5's annual New Year Dinner at the Deanwater

Phil Graham reports on the Region’s annual dinner:

Held once again on a Saturday evening at the Deanwater Hotel, the Region 5 New Year dinner attracted a record fifty members to the first of many social events planned for 2016.

The  relaxed evening comprised a three course dinner, followed by a light-hearted auction and a raffle with a host of prizes. The ex-display 997 auction items were courtesy of Steve Webb, DP of Porsche Centre Bolton, and raised £100 which will be donated to Steve’s Myeloma Charity. Additional items donated by Allan Crosby and Porsche Centre Wilmslow raised a further £60 for the Air Ambulance. Generous as ever, Porsche Centre Wilmslow also supplied mugs, caps, keyrings and poster books, with Porsche pencils and sweets for the younger ones (and some older ones who never seem to win a prize!).

The formalities of the evening concluded with the award of the Member of the Year trophy, which Sue Mayer tearfully accepted. The regional committee were unanimous in recognising Sue’s contribution over the years, always willing to lend a hand and specialising in the collection of money! Congratulations from all and well deserved.

Colin and Sarah Belton of Ninemeister were guests of R5 at the dinner, and members can look forward to their forthcoming open day (date to be confirmed).


Many thanks to Michael Williams for co-ordinating the guests, and to all those that helped make the evening a such a success - a great bunch of members, and a committee working like a Swiss watch.

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