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West Midlands

1,149 Porsche Club GB members

Welcome to the West Midlands Region of Porsche Club GB, more commonly known as R9. R9 covers the West Midlands including Birmingham, Warwickshire and Staffordshire. 

We try to cater for a wide variety of tastes holding two monthly meets. The first is held at The Bear in Berkswell on the third Tuesday of each month, and the second is held at The Mill in Worston on the fourth Tuesday of the month. These meets run from February to November and may be supplemented by other meets at different locations through the year. We enjoy spreading ourselves across our Region visiting various attractions and motoring based establishments, this often means an organised drive to and from the destination.

A firm favourite in the Region is our yearly Weekend of the Year (WOTY) which has seen us visit Wales, Yorkshire and Belgium in recent years. Who doesn't like a shiny car? We cater for this too with our annual Show and Shine Event which is open to all comers.

Something we are very keen on is encouraging member participation in events, and even organising events, to this end we present a couple of awards each year to R9 members who have made significant contributions to the region. Two cases in point being Gavin Broad and Mark Davis who are now both assistant Regional Organisers.

Not ones to hide our achievements and ambitions we post regularly in our section of the PCGB website, Facebook (page and private group) and Instagram. R9 also has an active WhatsApp group which has proved very popular amongst our members.

R9 Club Nights

Third Tuesday of each month from 7pm at:
The Bear Inn
Spencers Lane

Fourth Tuesday of each month from 7pm at:
The Mill at Worston
Worston Lane
Great Bridgeford
ST18 9QA

Third Tuesday of every month, 7:30pm

See map



  • Gavin Broad
  • Mark Davis

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