28 Jun 2021
Story One: Why join a Motor Club? The more things change...Almost half a century old now, this small notice in the Autumn edition of Porsche Post from 1972 reveals a conundrum familiar to Cornbury House today: membership retention. It’s an impossible task to please everyone all of the time, but it’s something we continue to strive for with frequent membership surveys and a friendly voice always being available on the end of the phone. Numbers, however, are something we are not short of as a Club, a fact for which we owe the hard-working likes of Tony Standen here a debt of gratitude. One can only imagine what he would have made of a headcount currently in excess of 22,000! Story Two: Equal Opportunities Margaret Piper’s eloquent and amusing submission to Porsche Post in the Autumn of 1974 is another interesting window onto the Club’s past. It must be odd for many of the younger members today to think that there was a time, not so far back in the memory of their elders, when women were seen as something of a curio in car club circles. But what’s great about Margaret’s story is not just that she was clearly enjoying PCGB life to the fullest, but that she was quickly consumed with the same passion as her ‘Porschemaniac’ partner.
06 Feb 2025
03 Feb 2025