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R10 WOTY Northumberland Drives and Castles - 8 to 11 July 2021 - RESERVE NOW!


PCGB Member
After a very successful WOTY to North Wales in 2019, but with 2020 cancelled, we'll try once again to get our 2021 Weekend of the Year to beautiful Northumberland off the ground. I’ve pushed the date as far as possible forward to try reducing the risk of cancellation due to COVID. The dates, Thursday 8th July to Sunday 11th July are just before school holidays. We had 14 confirmed cars pre-COVID cancellation, so this will be popular. Reserve now to avoid disappointment !!!


With grateful assistance from Greg and Deb Harm, our R3 colleagues in the North East, we have a list of fantastic driving roads and some spectacular scenery to experience. Our itinerary will include the following:

Thursday - travel via M1/M6 beyond Kendal, before we head north east for a special 35-mile drive across the fells from Brough to Consett and then on to our hotels (see below). You may of course choose to travel your own shorter independent route.

Friday - today we’ll experience the best driving roads in the area, much of it with little traffic, in a circuit of around 125 miles. We’ll spend most of our time in the hills, heath and forest of the Northumberland National Park, taking in Kielder Forest and Kielder Water, including crossing into Scotland and back again.

Saturday - the Northumberland Coast is famous for its castles of Tynemouth, Warkworth, Alnwick and Bamburgh, and of course Holy (Lindisfarne) Island. Today we’ll drive a coastal route with castle visits and stop-offs, perhaps for fish and chips and a walk on the beach.

Sunday - if we’re still up for more, we can drive a 40-mile stretch of Hadrian’s Wall, and get closer to the history by walking some, and visiting the popular Roman Army Museum, before heading off home. Some however might just want to set straight off home - it’s your choice.

None of these activities are compulsory of course - if you wish to drive to Alnwick and spend all day exploring the castle and gardens, just do it. Or you might just want a relaxing day off!

And what about relaxing? - Well, there’s so much interest in this trip that we may not fit into a single hotel together. You therefore have a choice of 2 recommended hotels, one a little more expensive but with pool and spa facilities.

I am working on room reservations, but it’s a challenge with hotels being closed and only on skeleton staff - see hotel, room type and price on the attached link, and after reading the remainder of this post, make your choice on a first come, first served basis. You will not need to contact the hotel for now.

Battlesteads Hotel ( in the picturesque village of Wark is a Pub, Hotel and Restaurant, with ample parking, offering beautifully appointed accommodation in individually styled rooms. Prices will probably range from £105 - £185 per room per night, depending on facilities, including breakfast. Certain rooms may be ground floor, disabled friendly.

Just 24 minutes away is Matfen Hall Hotel, Golf and Spa (, a stately home, with plenty of parking, and a more expensive option at around £206 - £241 per room per night, including breakfast. Facilities include heated swimming pool, spa areas and fitness suite. It's being refurbished right now, so the pictures on their website may not yet fully reflect the new decoration / styling and room types.

Or you may wish to identify and book your own accommodation, hopefully in the Wark/Matfen area.

What’s next ?

I am putting this post out without final prices available - but I would ask you to be quick, and come back to me even while I work towards finalising things..... I can see that UK hotels will have a bumper summer, because of rollover bookings, a queue for wedding accommodation, and so many people preferring a UK holiday this year!

  1. Please confirm your attendance with a reply to this forum post, even if you have already verbally stated you would like to join the event.
  2. Please reconfirm by email to so that I have your email address and please add your phone number.
  3. In your email, indicate your choice of hotel and your preferred room type/ price (see linked document). These are estimated prices for now. I will confirm the price asap, and will also advise if your selection has already been taken.
  4. On receipt of my confirmation of your selection, please send a non-refundable £50 deposit per room. (Deposits may only be refunded if Government restrictions are brought back in - I don’t have a contract to review yet, but I or the hotel will be asking you to sign terms before finalising your booking.)
  5. After that, the current plan is that I will confirm room occupants with the hotels, for you to pay your due balances when you are there.

Dining options will be considered in due course once final numbers are in, and arrangements will be advised to all those joining the event.

I can feel already that we’re in for a cracking WOTY, although I said the same last year!


Hi Mark
We would very much like to join you on this tour. Many thanks for initiating another trip once more.
The Garage Queen is looking forward to it already!
Rob and Mary Lane
Hi Rob and Mary,

Welcome to the team! You are on the list, but no deposit needed yet until I have agreed details with the hotels.

Best wishes.
Hello Mark,
We'd have been up for this had it not clashed with the FOS! However, please note my interest should the date of your event change.
Kind regards,
Mike Allen
2019 GT3RS WP - GT Silver
2021 Macan GTS .... coming soon
Please include Sherry and I in the Northumberland trip in July . Would prefer the Matfen Hall hotel
Mike & Sherry
Sorry Mike A. and David C.-L. - couldn't really do much else. It does clash with Goodwood FoS, but then that's on every year - this is a once in a lifetime opportunity... this year anyway!!
Mike C. and Sherry, Tony F. and Jenny, and Manuel - you're on the list - welcome to the party!!
Hi Mark

I trust you are keeping well.
can you put me down for coming plus 1, my mate Steve shall come with with all being well with the COVID rules then.

can’t really squeeze Lisa, Arthur & Harry in the 911 with all the baby gear, so I have a pass!!!!


Hi Andy,
You're on the list for Battlesteads twin room, if one is available. Sorry you have to leave the family at home!!
Hi Brian and Martina. Welcome, you are on the list, as are Paul L. and Sue. I think we‘ve got ourselves a convoy!
Bookings are going well for the trip, and I have negotiated a deal with Matfen Hall Hotel for a price reduction up to £18 per room per night, if we can reach a total of 8 rooms there with double occupancy.

I am holding 10 rooms there until 1st February, after which any booking will rely on space being available.

In total, we have 10 R10 cars booked across three different hotels in the area. To keep the event manageable in all respects, I will be restricting numbers to 15 cars, so please reserve your space now to avoid disappointment.


Hi everyone,

This is a brief update to let you know that until 26th February, Matfen Hall is offering us discounted prices, subject to room availability. 8 couples are currently booked into this hotel. 11 cars are taking part in the trip so far.

Discounted (and current) rates, which are for 3 nights’ accommodation (double occupancy), full Northumbrian breakfast, and complimentary use of the Aqua Vitae spa and leisure facilities are as follows:

Classic double £563 (full rate £637);
Deluxe double £722 (full rate £877).

Other rooms are available, although all singles are sold.

Hotel prices in the area are generally continuing to rise as supply/ availability reduces, so please act soon if you are thinking of joining the trip.

Hi Mark

Just confirming our booking and deposit paid to the Matfen Hotel for a deluxe room.

It will be great to spend time with our fellow R10 buddies and enjoy the cars on some great roads.

Also can't wait for the Saturday morning meetings at Sharnbrook Hotel to start up again.

Jo & Vera
Hi Jo and Vera,

So glad you can come along, albeit at the expense of your cancelled trip to Austria because of the ongoing foreign travel issues.

And I’m sure we’re all looking forward to meeting up again and getting out in our cars for some serious fun once more.

Best wishes.

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