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Mobile phones in a Boxster

Alex Foster

New member
Does anyone have any bright ideas/recommendations for mobile phone holders and how to fit them in a Boxster?

Is it possible to fit an after market hands free kit?


There a couple of simple options if you just want to hold it. There are holders which attach to the air vents, but a simple screw, there are also holders which plug into the cigarette lighter and charge it at the same time.

It is now a requirement to use a handsfree kit, I think the law changed in April. Therefore driving along holding the phone is out of the question.
You will need an earpiece or a not-very-cheap bluetooth headset if your phone supports it.

The alternatives beyond this are:

1. Easy install carkits. These typically have a holder with a speaker on the back, usually a separate microphone that you attach to the dash with velcro pad, and are powered from the cigarette lighter.
Where you attach them is up to you, or you can leave it to float around in the passenger footwell.
There is no external antenna.
Power output is the same as the phone emits normally.

2. Professional install carkits. Here the holder is mounted on the centre console using a suitable bracket. Alternaitvely it can be hidden in the centre storage box if big enough. Power is supplied by routing a wire through the bulkhead either to the fusebox or the battery. The microphone is mounted on the dash or A-pillar with the wiring hidden in the trim. There are two options for the speaker, either you have a spearate speaker installed high up in the passenger footwell, or you tap into one of the conenctions on the stereo, if it supports it, then the audio is routed to the hi-fi speakers in the car and the stereo automatically mutes.
It may or may not have an external antenna. The external ones are most commonly glass mount ones. Patch antennas are also used.
Power is the same as the phone emits normally, but there may be some antenna gain if an external antenna is fitted.

3. Fully integrated system. Normally this is only available as a factory install or through the dealer (at siginificant cost since it affects the wiring loom).

4. Separate car phone. You just insert a SIM card. Power output can be up to 8W on GSM900 band. Antenna is usually hidden in the bodywork.

The final option which will is hoped to gain in popularity in the coming years is a bluetooth one. Whether this is option 2 or 3 above, you need no phone holder. Just have your phone somewhere in the car and the audio will be routed through the speakers. No wires, no plugging it in, the phone can automatically detect it is in the car and re-route the audio. Downside is that there is no external power supplied so talk time is limited by battery performance.

As you can see there are several options, depending on what phone you have, what you want to do, and most importantly how much you want to spend.

Rgds, Stuart.
Sorry, should have mentioned that if you don' t want a simple easily removable DIY job, or to get your OPC to do it, then be wary of some of the installers.
What you would do to a Mondeo or Vectra, isn' t quite what you would do to a Porsche.
Pulling trim off a Mondeo to hide the wiring is fine, but your sexy leather interior requires a little more respect.
Also some of the local bodge merchants may not use rubber grommets for any wiring leading to chafing and shorts 18 months later. Anyone who has insulating tape on them should be avoided.

Rgds, Stuart.
i had a kit installed by a mate who works for Sound Advice in Chigwell Essex!

I have had the dash mounted bracket installed (fits in the slot at the side of the stereo) and the when the phone is in the cradle it faces me so i can see who is calling!

the mic is on the top of the A pillar, and i have had a seperate speaker box installed in the passenger footwell - (NOTE: we tried to route it so i wouldn' t need a addtional speaker but the porsche head unit isn' t clever enough for it to come out through the original speakers) - when it rings the stereo mutes and displays ' PHONE' - with the phone i have setup auto answer and it all works really well!

oh and i have a signal booster on the front window which looks kinda funky!!!

TOP JOB - and i' d recommend to give the place a visit (ask for Lee - and tell him Deano sent ya![:D])
I had a Nokia car kit fitted by JCT 600 Brooklands before I collected the car. (I went for Stuart Martin' s option 2). I insisted that no holes were drilled in the interior trim and there should be no external aerial, so the phone cradle is fitted to a bracket on the centre console and the aerial is glued to the inside of the windscreen within the tinted band so can' t be easily seen. All works well and cost was something like £185 + VAT although I think this was a " cost" price, i.e. without dealers mark up.
You have just reminded me I meant to post this topic on However, as you know I live in the great county of Yorkshire so Chigwell is a bit far for me

Thanks for that. Great pub by the way in Thunderbridge

Nice and easy with bluetooth - phone slots in under the stereo and bluetooth headset. I can' t see who' s calling but can record a voice note against the caller so they get announced (with the T68i)..... Good for occasional use.....
I have just got rid of my T68 which was just the right size to fit in the ashtray and then have the hands free earpiece trailing from it.

My new phone (P800 - great piece of kit BTW) is a bit big for the ashtray so it might be the bluetooth headphone option although I do note in the Sony catalogue that there is a very tricksy bluetooth gadget coming out soon.

The phone is bluetooth, mp3, camera, pda(ish).

The bluetooth gadget looks like a card with microphone and is advertised as a handsfree kit. I shall try and upoad a piccie when I get time

Is that the sonyerrikkksoonnnn cereal box painted blue with the wire coat hanger arial option ?

Why don' t you just gaffer tape it to the tequipment polycarbonate buffeting deflector option and tie a knot in a bit of string, pass it through a polystyrene cup and hey presto.

You could always just stop and talk to me at petrol stations, every hour or so.

Pass on left

MIKE MIKE, he' s got a Boxster we don' t have to stop so often for petrol

[:)][:)][:)] Well said Helen - it is a real pain going down to le Mans with Mike " Bought a 2.4 911 but really wanted an RS but ended up spending about 10k more on his 2.4 than a mint RS" .

We have to stop about every 150 miles for him to fill up.

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