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21 Feb 2024

March news

This month's news from your Early 911 Register  

Hello again for what may well be my last report as your Register Secretary. You should by now have been told by my recent e-newsletter that from 1 February your new and younger Register Secretary will be Julian Hobbins. From April onwards Julian will be writing the monthly reports, so please continue (or start) to send him your Early 911s stories and photos or events attended and holidays taken - in fact anything that may be of interest to other members.

Tim Court’s Targa in Laon centre

Tim Court sent in some photos of his lovely blue Targa, as he was taking part in the 2023 Laon Historique meeting, which many members regularly attend. Send your photos and a short report to Julian if you attend this year’s event.

Tim on the Laon Historique run

60th birthday
In last month’s report I mentioned that, in my opinion, the actual birthday of the 911 model is 10 November, the day that the model number changed from 901 to 911 in 1964. We should celebrate that day in some way this 60th birthday year. In the UK that day is Remembrance Sunday, so we should respect the day in our usual national way, but respectfully celebrate the birthday of our model of Porsche too.

There are some national events where we can come together to display our cars this year and I suggest that among them should be the ever-improving Donington Historic Festival (4-5 May), the Silverstone Festival 2(3-25 August), Salon Privé (31 August) and, of course, the special meet for early cars the Classics at the Castle Hedingham (September). I hope to see you at one or all of them.

Robin and his '73 911S last year

My 1973 911S
Finally, I should say something about my 1973 911S, which I have owned since 20 October 1982 and which is now approaching 500k kilometres (300k miles) on the clock. It has taken us everywhere you can think of in Europe, from Stockholm in Sweden to Puglia in Italy, including back more than once to where it was original sold in Bologna Italy. We had joined Porsche Club GB in February 1982 to find out about which Porsche models were ‘best buys’ and what to look out for.

For three years it was my only car and covered over 75,000 miles in all weathers with very few problems. In 1984 we attended the second Porsche Parade Deutschland in Stuttgart at which we met Ferry Porsche who, celebrating his 75th birthday, was given the four-seat 928 as his present. Also, CEO Peter Schutz was on our table at the beer fest.

The car has taken us to many Porsche Parades around Europe, again without problems. It has been, and hopefully still is, very reliable. One day, after I am dead and gone, someone will get to restore the car, but hopefully that will be some time to come. In the meantime you will see it again and again at shows and on holiday somewhere.

And it’s farewell from us…

Robin and Jo

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