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Cars and Coffee

27 September 2020

**Event cancelled**

We will be holding another Cars and Coffee morning on Sunday 27 September between 10am and 12 noon. The venue will be one of our regular haunts, the Crew Room at Denham Aerodrome .
Those wishing to come along will be required to book in advance by email. In accordance with the current restrictions on gatherings, attendance will be limited to 30 people and bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis. When booking you will need to provide a name, number of passengers (not normally more than one), and the driver's contact telephone number for track and trace purposes. Drivers will be responsible for passengers in this respect. 
There will be no restriction (other than the 30 people) on vehicle numbers as no organised drive is involved and there is plenty of parking available. Please come armed with a face covering and hand sanitiser. A full risk assessment has been carried out and approved by the Club, however, the venue is open to the public and you are reminded of the importance of social distancing particularly when queuing. There will be no inside seating available but there is outside seating, suitably distanced. You may wish to bring picnic chairs.
Anyone showing any Covid-19 symptoms within the 14 days leading up to the event should clearly be self-isolating, so don’t show up! Anyone developing symptoms within 48 hours after the event must immediately contact the venue and the organisers via email, or 07785 294757.
That’s all the health and safety stuff dealt with, a bit long-winded I know but very necessary at present. A vote of thanks is due to Jason Melhuish for the extensive donkey work involved in pulling together this sort of event at the moment.

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